Thursday, November 7, 2013

I will always love you

That is the truth, yet our behavior makes that an echo in the distance, still out  there but very faint. People make so much noise in their world that they can barely hear it at all. They are so uncomfortable and out of their element, that love is the last thing they believe they deserve, while really being the only thing they truly need and desire. EMOTION is in the tiny part of the frontal lobe of the brain, real feelings that send waves through the body and into the air come from the heart. Short circuited feelings are heart issues that manifest physically, the failure or attack being the biggest heart game changer we have. I see both all of the time, heartfelt is natural and is different than learned behavior. Children do heart in the beginning, grown ups do learned. A child whose heart has been neglected will then learn different ways to compensate, acting out, making lots of noise, being abusive, running around wildly, abusing substances or others as the substitute, the brain will not stop dictating until the person decides to get back to their heart's desire. I see people pointing out mistakes and shortcomings of others in an effort to quiet their own wailing brain and broken heart. The cliche' of love is being all there is making them angry, since they have never felt it, seen it, or learned it. Abusing nature is self abuse, since nature is what nurtures us. If you look at that fact alone you will see why our world is fractured by the lack of love here. Love is patient, kind and never ending, even in conflict it holds steady, it will release the conflicted to their own study and be there to celebrate the successful end. I will always love this place and all of her children, it is what we do.

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