Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Opening to knowing each other

I dreamed of an old friend last night, we played together happily as kids. She lost both of her parents to mercury poisoning, one long ago and another still on the edge of life here. Mercury does a lot of troubling things to the human mind and body. It was called Mad Hatter's disease in the days of using it to block beaver pelt hats, and it caused a lot of destruction to humans and our environment. It changed my life forever, I was super sensitive to my amalgam fillings, and the vaccinations I received with thimerasol in them, injured me. I learned about the issues and how to clear them up and I have been sharing my personal recovery and success with others for over 25 years now. It came up in my dream as a chance to share my knowledge with her to offer comfort and understanding and maybe to support her in her own healing as she too works in the dental field. She would have none of it. I watched in my dream as the guilt of her  mis-understanding made her defensive and ultimately she would receive none of the good news I wanted to offer her. I simply smiled and left her to her pain. There is no  acceptable offering to those who feel guilty or shamed or unable that will heal their hearts until they decide they are ready and admit they need it now. Offer once to those you know and love, smile and allow the exchange. Knowing one another and caring about their success is the gift, the fight for your perception of what you think is right, not worth it, not now or ever, walk away and find someone else to know and share your offerings with. It is all we can do now. Peace out.

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