Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Aligning with like minded individuals and groups who celebrate your willingness and success now is the second step in your own alignment.  First you must align with yourself. I send people in for alignment a lot. Their backs all squiggled and pinched and hunched over. Their ability to bend and flex inhibited by their lack of alignment and pain that they believe they deserve.  It first comes from standing up straight and tall, and then reaching up to heaven for that flood of love and light you need each day. It is called Mountain pose, and it aligns you under a shower of light and fills you with the energy of potential and the love of spirit embodied here that you need to be YOU. I teach this, Stand in the Light of God and tell me, show me and be, WHO YOU ARE. Nothing hidden, nothing but YOU in alignment under the bright lights from heaven, here on Earth. It is the gift that Creator offers humans each and every day. The alignment to love, to purpose, to truth fills our life with joy. I show it on horseback by aligning humans and horses bareback, restoring the four directions, the power and balance and trust we deserve. Big Alignment due humanity now, don't you think? See ya in the barn!

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