Sunday, November 3, 2013

Interest first

Then experience, after that - EXPERTISE.  Those are the levels of human participation. You would not be here if you were not interested. The experience part takes up a lot of the time. That is the education and time spent practicing. The big question and answer period. Then after all that is said and done there will be the sharing of that knowledge. Expertise takes you to the place of being totally accountable for your interest and your experience. It is sharing the good with the not so good of your life lessons.  You have paid your dues and you are still present and willing and now, accounting for the whole thing. This is how we achieve our dreams, one step at a time. Jumping up and over and out the window, simply gets you a do over, we all need to do this one step at a time. That is the beauty of this planet and the order is a beautiful thing. I tell my clients, it takes 28 days to start the process of changing something, it takes 90 days for it come to fruit. That is when you will know if it is the fruit you want. If it is, great, if not, start over again.

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