Monday, January 27, 2014

Your hair

An antennae really, transmitting and receiving. I see it in you and on you, colors, designs, density, directions. I know how you are going based on your hair. You manifest it. You are a product of your choices.  Your styles tell us all what is going on with you. Covering it or losing says volumes about your attitude and choices. Your  hairitage/heritage is one third, your life style which styles you, one third and your feelings or stresses one third. So what does that say? My hair is turning white now, only a little and in one place but white as snow. I am done with the world's pull here, and with that higher connection I need  pure crystalline white. I am reflecting back all colors, in the white of my hair. And the connection is full power. No shades of grey, no blurry, no loss, just as white as snow in the sunshine. I earned it and I love it! I am grateful for the changes that promote me to the better me, I love being promoted, do you accept your new position as a promotion too? Check with your hair.

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