Sunday, January 26, 2014

Make a list, then check it twice

I did. I was in a relationship and wanted it to succeed. I made a list of what I needed, and could not live happily without. I checked it over and knew I was honest and self loving. Only when I am that way, can I be that way with someone else. I handed that list over to my interest and said, " Please review this and if you are interested in pursuing this relationship, make a list for me to review also." That was the last time I saw my list. That was many years ago and I have considered that idea many times since, for many reasons. Making your list, for your purpose, your process, your skills and willingness to use them, is so helpful. I know I forget about certain things, that turn out to be very important to me. Those end up being deal breakers for me, my day, and sometimes, even my life. Your truth and how you share it can be on the list, your hopes, wishes, wants and dreams too. Passions and quirks and family traditions should be there too. It is so easy to over compensate to make something work when in truth it should just be natural. If you are struggling, make the list.
WHO, HOW, WHEN AND WHAT. That should start you off well. Be positive only. And when you check it again, make sure it makes you smile, it is the list of you and YOU are something special!! Then keep it close, you will love the results of YOUR list, for you and your life.

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