Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Over and over we are offered choices, then when the Universe see you are in need of an extra  really meaningful choice, it takes away your other options. When left with only the choice to change or die, some change, some get sick and yes, some die. It is an interesting corner people put themselves in to. I have heard the stories of addiction, the stories of loss, the stories of yesterday I could walk, today I can not. It inspires the HELL out of me. Hell means separate from God. That is the definition literally. When I hear the stories of what some must endure to change it up for love, for life, for peace in their life, I love it. I am inspired by those who in the valley of the shadow keep their eyes on the light. HOW you doin' with that?? In hell still, or moving in to the light of the dawn of the new age, YOU CHOOSE!

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