Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Honoring women......

In my heritage the woman owns the teepee. She is the mother, the healer, the breastfeeder, the child rearer, and the chief cook and bottle washer.  She is the heart of every home. Period. Encircling her is her man or partner, protecting, supplying, supporting, and lifting her up. Within the structure of the family, in tact, the circle complete, children make their way into that center. The mother is the conduit. She is being telegraphed data for 9 months. She prepares a vehicle, a body for an incoming soul. She hears the whispers of her new child constantly and does her best to listen and learn. She needs to rest, be quiet and supported with love  so that she can do this job well. Honoring these women has been non-existent in my lifetime here. I know I have watched and been a part of that lack for the whole of this life. It is so hard to see it. I have done both jobs, male and female the whole time, breadwinning is easy to me, so is bread making, and so I have always done both. I plow my own farm when I am here and that is how it goes each day. I have let go of waiting or even wishing that would be different and accepted my role peacefully. I will not however tolerate it for my girls and am very vocal about it. Loving them, honoring them, cherishing them, being loyal and supporting them is what their fabulous husbands do and I am proud of my sons in law for their support of my girls. I know that will make this world a much healthier place and their marriages, and families will thrive!! Those who are separate from the mothers of their children, need to do whatever it takes now to remedy old hurts, and honor those women. It will change our world forever. I know it will change mine.

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