Monday, January 13, 2014


What a great way of feeling. We sometimes forget that it is available and fun to have. We often adore puppies and kitties and even little kids, yet we forget to adore each other. My friend said he adored me, and as that washed over me, I remembered a time when others felt the same way. Long ago, as a child, very fleeting in light of the drama in my family, yet still there in the memories that make me smile. Take a minute to find something or someone to adore today. What does that look like? Warm, fuzzy,  funny, comfortable????? It is a good place to be. Then tell them, show them, everyone needs love and adoration in their life, Creator never stops sending it to us, yet we stop receiving it. How does that happen? EARTH life, full of challenges can distract us and yet, there is still the place where adoration lives, and expects nothing in return. WOW! A gift from the Universe, that we all need now. Let adoration become a building block for your life, choose things, jobs, foods and people that cause that feeling to happen and build on that, the old way of walking on egg shells, waiting for the other shoe to drop in your life, is over now. I adore you all, thanks for listening.

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