Wednesday, January 15, 2014

So clear, you can see it from miles away

Truth, transparent, crystalline, and yet solid, very solid. The truths we are told here are sometimes not like that. People are funny with the truth, they have ways of making it not the same as what yours would be in the same exact situation. Slippery almost, something you can not count on, or can not get a hold of.  Some people become cynical in judging their experiences with truth here. I can not do that no matter how hard I try.  If you can not get a handle on what is being presented, or it makes you feel uneasy, or it is not congruent with your version, step back, step away or if you have to, step up and challenge it. The truth is love is all that matters. Love has the power, it is the noun and the verb that Earth people need to use, to feel, to offer to have or be well and happy. Being fully in the light, truthful, honest, caring and loving, get this life done perfectly in every way. No thing less will accomplish that. Look to love, only love and the truth will be there, crystal clear, ringing like a bell, every single time!

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