Wednesday, January 29, 2014

do you feel abandoned?

I grew up that way, abandoned by a dead father and a run away mother, at the age of 2. It has shaped my life in many ways. I have seen first hand what it is like to have someone show up for a minute and take off when it gets tense. I watched my father die, and as his spirit left that cold day after Christmas with his neck broken, I knew in my tiny body and little heart, that this was going to be a tough life.  I have had the I love you but not this much stuff many times. I have watched families crumble when the parents put their own problems and issues and addictions first, and off they run into the sunset of the day, leaving the kids behind waiting and waiting and waiting for the return that never happens. Little faces, looking out the window, wondering why they were not good enough to keep their parents happy and loving and THERE!! They join a gang to find what they were meant to have at home.  I always wanted a gang of my own, so I got one, still do. My childhood friends are still my friends today, my gang, my fun, my support and I love that! Many do not get so lucky. The gangs they find offer choices that are harmful and not loving. Abandoned people truly end up not caring and this is how they feel and act.  Alone, on the street, sick and lost and with a pain that only a mother/father love can heal. I am Mama Su to many, I love that name and I love that job. It is how I remedied my own abandonment issues. I became what I desired. That is who and how we must embrace this to fix this epidemic. Abandoned? Not when you know you are truly loved, always were, and that although it may seem that way, it was an illusion. You are one with us all, and together we can remember community and home. You need not know what I know or believe what I believe for me to love you, that is what UNCONDITIONAL means. A great idea huh, mama's and papa's every where, sharing the load and sharing the love. Look around we are popping up every where now!!

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