Sunday, January 12, 2014

Too late, never......

I wrote the other day about talking honestly to those you need to talk to. Time may run out without you getting it done. My earth time with my Aunt Lois ended without me going back for more information about our roots and I am sad. It is hard to reconcile wasted time. We all have done it and will probably still do it if we do not make some changes. Using time to do things we know are not producing fruit or love or progress causes regret. Time with her and my Uncle, a few years back changed my life forever. Collecting photos of my family which I had never seen before, and the heritage parts she had documented. It led me to ME in so many ways. The truths I felt in my heart became the facts of my lineage and there was great comfort there for me. I know I can meditate and connect, my ancestors have called to me, comforted me and guided me my whole life, YET it would have been fun to do it over COFFEE!! Godspeed Auntie, you were loved by me and I am grateful for the gifts you gave to me!

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