Monday, January 13, 2014

Those words you long to hear...

Is there a phrase, a nickname, a saying of something, you know you love to hear? Calling it back to yourself now is going to restore that good stuff to your life. When or what was it, that made us smile, was logged in. It was stored in the memory of your mind, and those stored memories can be accessed at any time for your pleasure and joy and self motivation and self love. I think nicknames or pet names are supportive to many. I know when you remember a compliment on something you wore, or accomplished or experienced, those are helpful too. Too much time is spent on the hurtful memories that bring up the old pain and loss and guilt and shame stuff. Enough now. No more ever again, let that dissolve into the tapestry of you, it will support your new design. Never gone, just redesigned with that added in, for color or flair. Only say what you long to have spoken to YOU. If you say something that you regret, take it back, make it right, promise to never ever for any reason, say it again. We long to be heard, and yet when we speak it is not always kind and helpful. We long to be understood and cherished, yet when leave, it causes relief. Our footsteps are the energy we deposit where ever we have been, leave garbage and you will go home to garbage, leave light, laughter and love and you will find it, every where you go!

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