Sunday, January 26, 2014

Childish - rarely, child-like always!

In the essence of life, there is a child-like quality that each human can recreate over and over. Yesterday, we laughed and laughed, and played so hard, and laughed some more, like little kids on a wild adventure. We attracted little kids!! It was such a joy to share child-like happiness with my family. I was exhausted from hand stands and cannon balls!! The life we choose needs these times to keep it in balance. We all need to remember the joy, the laughter, the trying so so hard to do something. The races, the scoring, the cheers from the crowd! The family that plays together, stays together. My girls are all grown up now and beautiful married ladies, with gorgeous loving husbands, but no one will ever take their child-like joy and willingness away, I will make sure of that!! Thanks family for a wonderful day!! I can still get the job done, my child - like joy is in tact and ready to race again today!!!

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