Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Truth is you

I can see it in your eyes, your truth, the real you. It emanates from your soul and bubbles up in your personality and your behaviors, the eyes/I's show it over and over. If someone can not look you in the eye, you are not getting the truth. Those dark glasses they think hide those eyes are hilarious or the talking with out the seeing.  I know many who simply do not show up.  If you want to know someone, ask to see their eyes. Do not hurry, just look and tell them you are looking. Search their eyes, and allow them to search yours. I say to clients, LOOK AT ME, look in to my eyes! You are being invited to read my eyes, that is my truth and it is my gift to you. Open your eyes now, allow them the light, the truth is there for YOU. The truth has always been there, you may have stopped seeing it. Be careful what you put your eyes upon, look only to beauty and promise, if something is disturbing, or your are making them blurry or closing the all together, change your focus, look to something or someone else. Choosing what you see  and how you see, is another healthy option when you know the value of those eyes and the truth that holds the promises you want kept. First to yourself and then to the rest of us.  You are in charge, we can see that, now you can too. If your doctor or lawyer or partner or child is not looking you in the eye when talking to you, you are being shown something very clear and very important, pay attention. If you can not look them in the eye, start by looking in to your own eyes in the mirror and see YOU first and your truth.  Use this gift and it will show you the truth. YOU ARE YOUR EYES/I'S AND WE SEE THEM ALL OF THE TIME.  And that is the whole truth.

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