Friday, January 17, 2014

Are you walking on egg shells?

People get used to tippy toeing around. It is funny and it is ridiculous as well. I see it energetically and I see it in real life. I have done it many times, although I am more prone to NOT doing it. I stopped asking long ago for things from other people. It caused them to flair up and then I would tippy toe for awhile. Funny now when I look back, but super stressful when I felt I had to do that. As a child I would chat with my sister at bedtime, my mother would holler from the living room for me to be quiet. Once she said if she heard another peep, she was coming in, I PEEPED!  I couldn't help myself! She came, she hit me and my poor little sister said, YOU ALWAYS DO THAT, WHY??  I said because that is how God made me. Then I started being quiet, tippy toeing around. Not fun, not me, not healthy. Secrets kept inside, when I should have been peeping and asking and sharing. I was silent and it made me sad. It hurt my thyroid, it stopped my truth, it made me feel fat and alone. In an effort to heal now, look at who you tippy toe around. What are you so afraid of? Your truth, your honest responses, your crazy dreams, your words of hope and faith and love, that is what we all need to have and to hear now. NO MORE EGG SHELLS. No more tippy toes, Get your feet on the ground and stand up straight and tall and be YOU! God loves us all just they way we are, the rest well they will figure it out pretty soon!

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