Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Time to become flexible

At dinner last night my date said he was doing Pilates. He said he found out he was not very flexible although he is strong. I smiled. I have taught yoga for many years and being flexible is a part of my life, always has been. Moving through without resistance  by bending over backwards, something I can do and did again and again. I have done the splits a zillion times, while worlds moved off in to two separate directions I kept my footing. I have stood on my head too, when every one else was standing on their feet while my world turned upside down. My willingness and ability and choice to be flexible, saved me and gave me great joy. It is time for us all to get flexible, go with the flow, and allow your body what it needs to move freely and easily with our changing minds and hearts. It starts with a choice, just do it. There are classes, DVD's, TV shows that will teach you. I will tell you this, when you do it in a group, the energy together is much improved. You will advance much quicker by joining a community of flexible, loving people. My Monday morning class is amazing, the yogis there, laugh, try hard, and learn something new every single time they join us. Find the time, you will love it.

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