Friday, January 17, 2014

WHAT or WHO are you waiting for anyway????

I was chatting with a client yesterday who in her family is the peace keeper, I told her to think about her self  only now. Not anyone, or any way other than her. Waiting for peace to come to a situation where stress lives is not what works. Being the peace/piece is what gets the party started. You can not change another with your projections. Your words only are YOU. I have sat and seen so many exhausted people, who are projecting over and over to others they think they must influence. It is not  within the scope of your ability to do that. It is not mine either although I have been known to be very persuasive. I ask at the end of my appointment for the person to speak into the air, what they desire above all things. I give three choices, and then we add color to them so the chakra that is focusing on that wish is included and activated. You are powerful creature, YOU ARE WHO you have been waiting for. WHAT you say is WHAT you get.  WAIT no longer, speak your truth, color it up and watch the magic happen!! Freewill, freedom, free love, no need to wait for any of it. It is within you, has been all along. The gift of the present, is you.

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