Friday, January 10, 2014

My family name is Cloud

From the 1800's census sheet I saw that name and knew why I was how I was. From the hanging register in Mankato our name was there too. I knew much more from that. In the gifts sent through DNA and time, you can open your heart and memory and with that you can understand the whole story. You are  in the pages and pages of his-story or her-story. We keep records to assist and sometimes to control. I have been off the records of medicine for decades now and that serves me well. I needed a clean slate to heal my injured and damaged health. What records do you want to keep and  replay to listen to and learn from? Which ones do you want expunged? I have seen those who choose to clear the  health slates in my career as a Naturopathic Doctor, it is awesome to watch a human heal with the gift of the clean slate and new beginning. I sit at the table or on the back of a horse and talk about cleaning up old behavioral slates with my cowboys. Your family is here to help, with records and choices that are yours now to decide what to do with. Some should be healed, some totally forgiven and released all together, some should assist you in manifesting those gifts that come naturally to you, and when you know that  you are the you came to be, life will make a bunch more sense. Susan Cloud, I like that.

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