Sunday, January 12, 2014

Family reunions

I will attend one in Minnesota, with cousins gathering to say good bye to our auntie, and we will chat. My family was very disconnected so being there is important to me. The reunion in Heaven is the One I am talking about. My father's only little sister came home. He has been there waiting for 54 years, and he loved her very much. She was the only family member who ever spoke to me about him and how and who he was. She loved him very much too. I will sit quietly for awhile and imagine the joyful reunion of those who loved each other on Earth. Their great grandmother was the Cloud people of the Dakota nation and in the Clouds they shall now be. It will be an amazing celebration of  great success! I know I am only here for  brief lifetimes and that I need to remain focused while I am here. Yet there is the gift of seeing the bigger picture I have always had, that causes me to yearn for home. Peaceful, divine days where love rules, and souls celebrate that ideal. I will see you  all when I get there, and I am anxious to hear the stories that this lifetime did not offer me, I am glad you are together again, and you are well! I love you all very much, please keep an eye on us down here and smile, we are fun to watch! When I see the Clouds, I will think of you together and I WILL SMILE.

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