Sunday, January 5, 2014


If there is a specific issue that you are concerned about, do not be distracted. It is the distraction that pulls the energy from your focus and the outcome you desire. Concentrate, allow the knowing and the direction you need to go to come to you. Only align with that that gives you comfort, makes sense, makes you smile and fits your way of feeling and thinking. Keeping yourself up all night worrying means you are focused on the wrong thing.  There is a world wide effort to awaken those who have been distracted,, we need all of us  concentrating  on what good things we can get done. Our world is injured, it happened while you were not paying attention. People are starting to wake up and wonder how it got so messed up and toxic. So start first with your concerns, choose ONE. Then concentrate on it's remedy, a solution, a direction, a positive outcome will result when you do that. Fear and the negative opinions of others, are not options,  humans have amazing skills and abilities and concentrating them on a solution permits and then provides IT! I know we can fix this, I concentrate on healthy outcomes, and when my book comes out, you will how many times we pulled that off!!

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