Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wound care

There are mother wounds, father wounds, ethnic wounds, religion wounds, school wounds, bully wounds, wounds were us!!! How is it that we are SO wounded? In the past century there was a dismissal of the healing arts, it all started a long while back with those who were practicing the healing arts being ridiculed as witches, or practicing voodoo or some such other nonsense. It was a well played card to let wounds fester and allow the pain to rule the day. That way you could be told and sold because you were weak and desperate and wounded. It gave crazy power to physicians, priests, and business minds. The battle was on. I was wounded and then I got sick. That mother wound was mine and working it through my project. My health was the final straw that caused me to turn and face the wound. That and my little girls, whose life and health and well-being relied on mine. In the face of change I saw the healing arts and their gift. I looked past the drooling dogs that wanted me to stay sick and in their system of never ending treatment. I knew deep inside of me that what would heal me would be natural and easy and available for a fair trade. I knew drugs were not going to do anything but addict me and surgery would make the wound worse. I choose something else and  I dove in head first.  Then after an immersion in the arts of some wonderful healers, I popped up, totally recovered and inspired. I then spent many years defending my choice and my healing beliefs and gifts. I know what I know, because I did it to me. I study daily the gifts available to us from our Creator and our Earth Mother. I share every thing I can with those interested in WOUND HEALING. It is time now, close the wounds, let the world and it's Creator align with your heart and your mind and your body, and you too will heal those wounds. It time now for us all to be free, well and happy.

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