Saturday, January 18, 2014

Getting the feel of love

We are not fully engaged with love yet. I see and talk  to those who truly desire love, health, joy and simply continue to miss the mark over and over. I see their kids falling to the ground and the parents not knowing what to do or even how that happened. I know we see the media version of it and try it that way. It is not big. It is not degreed.  It is not rich. It is not go, go, go. It is still, and small and it generates only light. It comes in the quiet, with a smile, a hand, a compliment, a serenity that permeates all of the chaos. It has nothing to compete with and it cares about everything all of the time. It changes you forever. It causes you to sit when you eat, look someone in the eye when you talk, laugh at yourself, and sing and dance most of the time, as if no one is watching. Indulge in it. Find the simplest thing you know makes you smile, repeat it. If someone is your smile maker, give them a call. If your home, your pets, your yard, your food, do that too. You are on it. Earth loves us, and when we love her she creates beautiful things for us. Learn from her, and then do it for US. We need loving people now, it is gift of life and will save what we have here.

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