Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Count me in

Among friends you are always counted in. Invited, included, and considered. We are your friends. In my practice I see a lot of those now counted out. Alone, and not included or invited. They end up sad and then sick, and then they find me. I see what alcohol does to them, drugs do to them, self abuse does to them, and how they use it in their life. Then when they are the end and it is dying, they show up. I made my contract with Creator to be one of those at the end. I see those who leave this world, at the end of their human life here and smile and wave good bye,  and say, see you soon. I see those at the end of behaviors, looking for the clue that reveals the path to the new normal too. Death is simply the end of something no longer necessary. It is not bad or wrong or broken in any way, it is just completed. I choose to count in now all who are ready for the death of the old ways and the birth of the new earth. I invite you all to join us, we are here and happy to assist and look forward to counting you in as a friend, to us, to our world and our universe!

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