Tuesday, December 31, 2019

6 year old Irish girl hilariously insists on going to the pub ����

We all walk in two worlds

Today as 20 years of the new millenium fade into his-story or her-story, see the gift you have to share. We were given freewill - duality is the polarity that we deal with here. So many days, so many ways. Jail for some, freedom for others. Illness if you want it, vitality the other option available to those who would rather. I have walked in both worlds aware and awake, I use my free will to choose divine will. So every day I ask what that could offer me. I write it down, and raise it up. I laugh at some of the ideas, and I ignore some of the other choices. I still use my will to be the Susan I came to be, and as I have been told by Source many times, THAT IS GOOD ENOUGH. You can too. Close your eyes/I's. Come to communion, the table, the meeting, the pub, however you see it. Ask what would raise you up, and then ask, what would raise up the others. I chose health, happiness and horses. I added snow, and sun, and YOU! Happy New Year!! I love us all. 2020 is for clear choices, seen and made fully in the light of love.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Upside down YOGA!

I teach yoga, I have for years. YOGA - WHY? I explain what happens in each posture, with each breath, to you and to the group. People need to know what they are doing, to be willing to try and ultimately succeed. I see energy, so in that class, you benefit from my vision of you. IF YOU ASK ME TO TELL YOU WHAT I SEE I WILL. Other wise I just do the teaching. I teach YOGA on horseback, on paddle boards, and now I am going up side down with it. I do inverted yoga on a swing, but today I bought a hammock and trapeze for ultimate CIRCUS YOGA! I have really only one rule that never ends. If it is not fun, I do not keep doing it. YOGA is fun for me, sharing my blog with you is fun for me too. Now I will share the view from UPSIDE DOWN, as the fields merge in all directions. Look to the Star of David, that energy is spinning in both directions. Allow it to inspire you, take a breath, try something fun! 2020 is a clear view to a new and better and very loved YOU! See it from all angles, and say THANK YOU SOURCE for allowing me to this new alignment of life here. I really promise to appreciate it and that is good enough. Happy New Year, I love you all, Dr. Sioux/Su

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Teaching the children to navigate

I love to water ski. Long ago I got a boat, a great ski, and NO driver. My kids were little then, and my adult driver was always at work. So I taught my little girl to navigate. She was very young, yet tall and very willing and capable. I got to ski on a lot of calm mornings because I was the willing teacher and she was the terrific student. She is now going to teach her own child. Navigating the world we live in, local and global is a really wild job. Uncultivated and undomesticated since the dawn of time. Survival was key, and we did that. Now navigating to thrive, in peace and harmony is the next level of the earth world's gift to the Creator. It is calling the four directions to come together as ONE. White Buffalo Calf Woman told my relatives to prepare. Other guides and avatars told their people the same thing. One drop of water in an endless ocean of drops, on our blue planet, is how we live here. Separate no longer, we have learned what we had time to learn. Time is up. Navigating the waters is what we must learn to do now. E-motion drives us wild. Calm is learned and applied as we traverse human existence. As you look to 2020, with clear eyes, a warm heart, and someone close, teach the children. If you have none, there are plenty out there who would love to learn from you. Yellow, red, black and white - all one family. From the bridge of Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson, Wisconsin and 20 years of teaching navigation from this ship, it looks like clear sailing ahead. Get out and see, try and you will thrive. It is a promise from Source, and those promises are always good.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Great Mystery

I love mysteries. I read them, I watch them, and I pray to one too. God is what some people call that Source. Allah is another name. So many labels for an energy that has creation power, and a passion for the children created here. Father/Mother is another way of describing this Source of life. Changing names comes from the human need to identify with it's Source in it's own specific way with it's own narrow view. Creating a following to a specific name is next. I read many of the Holy Text of many of the world's religions. Bottom line was YOU are loved and connected, not limited in any way, nor abandoned. Cult practice separates humans from one another, social strata, color, gender, and on it goes. When the Great Mystery is still the ONE above us all. Today, allow the Great Mystery your gratitude. Find a spot where you are comfortable and let the light of fire warm you up. It is within each and every one of us, same on the inside, unique on the outside. Hearts all the same. All a great mystery, and worth of awe.Celebrate and share your warmth and light and love of the mystery with ALL you encounter. It will offer a 2020 vision of an amazing future here.

Friday, December 27, 2019

1999 the end of ..2019 the end of what else?

The math of the spheres is amazing. It creates in a world that embraces creation. Music, buildings, bridges, rockets, molecular weight, speed and on and on. 1999 brought a number 1, which is the start number. I did that. I built a healing center, Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson, Wisconsin, on a corn field and moved here to work and play. 2019 brings a 3, the other triangle of the Star of Bethlehem, the Star of David. It lands squarely on the triangle of YOU, and becomes an energy, a merkaba, of 6 points. Expressing whatever the believer wants expressed. As we move toward this next shift, choosing is key. The key to your heart, your health, your success or your exit. What is there here yet for you to do? Write/right it! It is yours to know and do without fear. Fear...less. Take a bold step, a bright light from the Star of Bethlehem in the sky above, use it to show you where your healing comes from and your direction takes you. I, am going for a motorcycle ride for now! How about YOU?

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Choose 4 things, the first being YOU!!

You, you and you too. No bullies, no bosses, no one but you. In the center of your body is your Heart. It radiates outward as a torus of energy, a fully connected whirling dervish. Go there/their/they're first. Sit with it, sober, soundless, and with great intention and expectation. It is the bus you came in on, and the plane you will fly away on someday. Start at the beginning and choose, 3 things you love. Home, career, and family are right there. Add some specifics. I love health, happy times, and horses. I love light, loving and laughter too. Nature is what I teach in the healing I share with my clients, and with her Mother Nature light she shines on those things for me. I am a Naturopathic Doctor because I chose that. It works as I work as a balance in belief and expression. YOU can decide now too. YOU do every minute whether you are consciously or unconsciously doing that. 2020 will open all eyes/I's. See and be the four seasons, the four directions, or what ever you can imagine. The only limitation is yours within, let go and let this world receive you! You have arrived. AND WE ARE ALL CONNECTED.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

As we prepare...

The day before the hanging of the Dakota Indian Men who fought back, they prepared. An account was given by a white preacher, who said they were peaceful and quiet but for their songs. It is a good day, that Christmas Day in 1862, for that peaceful preparation. 2020 will have some bang up changes, and as we prepare, peace and harmony need to be the leaders from here forward please. Reconcile your differences, forgive, extend mercy, be forgiven. Hiding from those you hurt or hurt you, hurt the children. They do not deserve that. Prepare now a smile, a meal, a call or visit. Sing your songs, say your peace/piece. It is a good day, to do that, in a good way. AHO! Merry Christmas to us all~

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Magic is every where. Lights will guide you home, a favorite song of mine, is always true. Cats see them, dogs and horses see them, I see them, and YOU CAN TOO. Find the light inside, and see it as the magic of YOU. Then smile and send it flying around the world. Merry Christmas, me and my lights are sending you all love and laughter, and yes, magic too.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The eyes/I's tell the story,

In the depth of your beingness, your body delivers the inside to the outside by a variety of expressions. The eye is the I. The liver rules the top and the kidneys rule the bottom. I see the circles, the grimaces, the twinkling, and the other behaviors as the map to who and how you are WHO you are. Health and Happiness need to be balanced. The only rule is to follow your bliss, whatever you know that to be. Mine is kids, nature and critters galore. It is skiing and swimming and music too. It is dancing and fires and good friends and food. And it is all processed each day as I sleep, by me. I am the opinion that truly counts, and in my eyes you can see that. On this beautiful Winter Solstice, check with your eyes/I's. Clear and bright, sparking and warm, or not. Take a big drink of water, look into the distance, see the Sun/Son and remember YOU are worthy of love, laughter and yes, bliss! Eye's do not need to see to BELIEVE! Miracles are every where. And your eyes tell the stories.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Listen to the wind

I do that. I see the sun, and feel its warmth. I see the water and feel its coolness. I stand on the earth and look up at the moon and stars and smile at their magnificence. And I listen to the wind. Each human breath, carries a story. From the heavens a spirit descends onto our blue planet, and first thing it does is WAIL! A wind in a tiny whistle of a human, announcing its arrival. Sending that message to wind of this world. Free form at first, and then soon taking shape, making words. Listen to those words, children have so much to say. Listen to those winds, the world and the stars are telling us something special is coming. Smile at the knowing, that you are worthy of these gifts! AND have a great Holiday season, the solstice is here and so is the baby! LISTEN!

Monday, December 16, 2019

To KNOW .....no

A lifetime of lessons. Knowledge presented and imbibed at every junction. I am a learning machine. This lifetime is so full of choices. Nature is where I found healing and peace and place to stay healthy and happy. I had to say no to the city and it's energy. I knew that when I was a child in New York City, New York. It was toxic to me and it created a deep sadness in my heart. I saw things there that I could not reconcile. It gave me great pause and potential pain. I wanted to clean it up. When I returned to Wisconsin, I felt good again. I knew then as I do now, that sometimes NO is the only answer. It is hard for me to say NO. It is rare also. I wish it was not necessary, yet knowing NO, has been the greatest gift of learning that I have ever encountered. Be polite, say what you mean and mean what you say. The feeling of knowing no comes when the hair goes up on the back of your neck. It is the hackles that warn you that you are being put in a position that will require a response. Step back, take a long look AND a deep breath. Find your footing, and then your self love. Only at that point can you express yourself the way that heals and leads you to light and love. It is your greatest challenge as you move toward the goal of life here. Navigate with choices, use your words, using yes and no thank you as boundaries for your choices. PICK something. Or it will pick you, and by then NO is a hard command to benefit from, when the cow is running down the road!

Saturday, December 14, 2019


I do math. I love music, music is math. I love sound, I am sure it why I talk so much. I sing a lot too. And I try to laugh out loud too. This December energy is potent. It brings a translation of energy to those ready to receive. It will be monumental in it's reception as the masses lift their eye's/I's and see the future as bright. Our Earth is fine, although rather irritated. Our future is bright too. Let go of the ropes that tie you to trauma, drama, loss or less. Do a ceremony, any kind you like. I carry a pipe, actually 3. In the smoke of those pipes I release all that does not belong with me. Burn some sage. Burn some tobacco. Burn a candle. All the same, only different. You are the pipe, you are the light. Fire it up! Let it flare, and then fly away. I see horses occasionally flare up, and I say to them YOU ARE FINE! BE PEACEFUL AND COME DOWN FROM THERE, AND they do. You should try that too. 3-3-3 - the Winter Solstice on the 12-21-2019, it will change everything. Enjoy. I know I sure will.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Little hobbits...

Like little rabbits. They are human bunnies here. Family and fluff are the best space. Nests made of soft material and a communal perspective. Preyed upon by the GOLLUMS of earth life turned sour by their own choices. Little bunnies turned into vicious and very lost entities. They creep around and attract those who have sympathy and empathy in an effort to warm a cold heart here. I see both energies everywhere. Like that trail of gray smoke that I see when someone is dying, they are nearly transparent yet still seen by us who came to see and say. You know a cold heart when you meet one. You also know a warm hearted human. In the warmth of a kindled fire, move now toward the heat, the warmth will make you smile and the LIGHT of that brightly burning fire it will shine on the truth you need to see. It is the season with the light that shines in the dark, this moon was awesome and bright, 12-12 at 12-12. Let go of anything cold now, they have chosen GOLLUM. It is their destiny not yours nor mine. The future, 2020 and beyond yields the truth, the light and the love we all deserve. Celebrate the conclusion of a long journey. Welcome to 2020 and perfect vision.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Tomorrow it hits with a full moon too. I love being a citizen of the Universe. Alignments happen. Allowances give way to light and laughter, and love. Celebrate under the meteor shower, it is going to be spectacular. Gaze at that fantastic MOON> Look up ward and out ward. See the grand scheme. Fear has ruled far too long. YOU BOUNCE, I know you do, I do too! Let's be fierce in the love we feel for the Grand Design and the faith we have in knowing the Creator has our back. You were not born to fail, or be medicated, or even insured. Give in only to that which makes you smile and feel light and warm. YOU CAME just right for the journey of this lifetime. ENJOY!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Find your team

Some people have family as their team, others have friends, some choose co-workers and others choose to be alone. In the spirit of the season, choose a team you can relate to. Even one you are not familiar with yet. So many feel alone on a planet with billions of other souls who are also feeling ALONE. Are you worth knowing? Do you leave the place or person better than you found it? SO if that is not true just yet, remember that you descended to Earth from a kingdom of love and light. Somewhere inside you you are royalty. You are generous, honest, and supportive of this world. YOU came with a reason for being - a HUMAN. Try to find the team that reminds you of that reason. I love my native heritage, they have been my focus for the past 19 years. I have learned to love that part of me that had been denied and uneducated about it's place here in my life and on this planet. HOW about you? Join our team HAWK'S RIDGE RANCH, HUDSON WISCONSIN, we do wonderful things here with health, horses and YOU! and ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR TEAM PLAYERS!

Thursday, December 5, 2019


THE HEART TORUS IS 7 MUSCLES THAT FORM AN ENERGY WHIRL THAT YOU EXPRESS AS FEELINGS. iF YOU ARE A STORM, IT WILL BE A FURIOUS FLURRY. IF YOU ARE SAD NOTHING WILL RADIATE. Choices are available every single day. Decide. I will if you will! Feelings are free and ready to have, hold and share. Merry is the one I choose for December.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Manifesting your destiny

-Win or lose, you choose. It came to my attention long ago, that losses are taught as belief systems. Instilled in us by preachers and teachers, doctors and lawyers, neighbors and family, coaches and team leaders, some will promote the feeling of loss, to promote their personal gain. Fear feeds this illusion. In the larger scope however, where we go one, we go all. It will now be obvious to anyone willing to look and see, that that game is over now. Revealing that nothing is ever lost, is the Creator of all things. It is simply unseen by those with closed eyes to afraid to peek. OPEN your eyes, open your ears, and then, open your heart. All you love is and always has been, right in front of you. SMILE and the whole world smiles with you, now that is a destiny worth manifesting!

Monday, December 2, 2019

What DO YOU want to talk about?

I talk. I listen. I hear and I respond to that which is presented. I have a unique way of seeing and saying, particularly as it pertains to natural medicine and whole health and potential outcomes. It is a good way to live. I know that there are many who simply have no one out there/their/they're to talk with. Judgement flashes when fear is the reaction to an idea or experience outside the scope of the listener. I have felt that many times in my life. Horses just back up a little. They take a wider view and with it a BREATH of air. Error/air is the same only different. The air/error I use, is my knowing of NO. And that wir/error was how I learned it. Lifetimes of learning, in this lifetime to here/hear YOU NOW. No judgement, Not now, Not ever. Let's talk about it. We will use our error/air to clear the way, and that's why it's worth talking about.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Memory, in the muscle it is mobile and fluid, in the bone it is accessible, in the tooth, the chips you came to play. Micro-chips of ancient memory. I play with these chips in my work and in my play. I teach teeth. I know the past has passed when the tooth gives way. I see it's lesson, leave in the winds of change. That wind and that light, that comes and goes in the lives of humans here. I help release that energy in the ether and back to the Source. So much lost when no one remains to help decipher the chips. Into the wind it goes, and no one knows, and questions of who you are and what you came to do, go unanswered. Lost. Today, look to the chips you have left to play with. Are they strong and pulsing with light and energy, can you nourish them with your body, your mind and your spirit? It is the smile that tells us who you are, the light that beams from your face and the words and songs from your mouth that tell us of your being. If the past is passed, leave it there. Find today in the chips you still have, and BE the best YOU, you remember how to be. Then smile and tell the world the gift you came to give, it is the season of giving, GIVE!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Appointments with Dr. Su

Thehawc.com has all the connections for me. You can order product on my Apex Energetics store, set up an appointment, sign up for classes and yes, read this blog. You can follow my visions, past and present. You can have an appointment with me, just for your turn to talk. I love to be of service, and this part of my practice was reserved for those on the back of one of my horses. It is now also available in my office, the cost for an hour of my service, is $200. And that is about the amount of time we all need when we are sharing and caring, and making a plan for a better tomorrow. I love you all, and I am glad to be able to open the doors for this. Classes will be held monthly on a Saturday starting in 2020. First date to reserve your space is Jan. 25 for a cooking and eating and learning about our food class. It is $99 per person and space is limited. Professional Chef Alyssa will share her gift and her passion for food. AND then we will eat, drink and be merry. Have a wonderful holiday and I will see you at the ranch or in the clinic soon. Namaste' Dr.Su

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


That is my version of snow. IT'S now! Get your boots, and your skis, and GO GO GO> Across or down, the puzzle of winter is easy to work. I like both ways. Cross country and down hill. It can come in the dark of those long nights, it can pile up against the door, and yet, SNOW is what I love at this time of the year, almost as much as my Birthday month which always comes in a snowflake. Enjoy the crystalline energy, you are a snowflake, beautiful and white. This is the magic of the season. See you on the hills.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

No such thing as good bye

See you on another sunny day, somewhere, soon. That is what I learned to see as a child. I have been involved with Earth and her children for a long time. They get scared when goodbye is offered. They feel terminated, abandoned, and unloved in some way. They cry, squawk, hit and resist, and sometimes they pee. That is temporary. It is something to outgrow. It clears a path to the new day, the next things. As I said good bye, see you soon, to my Stepfather, Irvin Kalland, yesterday, I knew that to be true once again. As I say good bye to others in this lifetime, it is the same. We are infinite and eternal, filled with potential. Our light within guides us</b> on to where next, is the best place to be. I am guided, guarded and gifted, every single day of this lifetime with that simple truth. So to the man who took care of my mother, see you on another sunny day!! NAMASTE'

Friday, November 22, 2019

Queen for a day

My mother won that honor in 1960. I saw her on TV that afternoon from my grandparents house in North Dakota. She had gone to California after the death of my dad in 1959, and that was the first time I saw her in quite a long while. Under the weight of the robe and crown she crumbled to the ground, small and weak and defeated. Left with three small children, she was in despair and told me later in my life, that she saw no future for herself. It took a toll. Yet those prizes came to us, before she returned. Mixer, washer, dryer, juicer, and also a college scholarship. That was her wish, to go on to school and do something important with her life. Raising our families has not be a worthy priority in the past few decades. Women were struggling under the weight of the responsibility of not being that queen. When my daughter Jessie was born, the queen in me was also born. I stayed home with her, and knew that was royal treatment for me and my child. I also knew the limits of leaving myself last, and working on the outside instead of the inside would have wiped me out. It was a challenge, my friends and partner did not understand my position. And I fought for that right from then on. I was told my life was a parade, a never ending party, because I did not leave the house to work. That was true, it was. I was in my element as queen, not for the day, for the lifetime of my girls. To be a queen alone is fine, to be a queen for a family, a neighborhood, a health practice is a great honor. I honor tomorrow, all the QUEEN FOR A DAY LADIES coming the clinic for a class worthy of women! Thanks for knowing you are royalty! We need you proud, and supported in your journey and your reign as women of this world. QUEENS!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The spirit of the child

It shows up here in a huff and a puff, as a mother pushes it into 3-d. From a seed to a being, fresh and ready to live it's existence among other seeds here. All different, all worthy of love and attention and honor and respect. Some are here to smile, some are here to sing, some are here to push the limits of those they encounter and others here for a myriad of other reasons too numerous to list. In the offering of a seed sprouting and then ripening, some humans miss the whole process and it's amazing metamorphosis while they see only their reality and use it to judge another. I see light, I see energy, I see colors swirling around and watch and process that scene/seen. Then, eventually I see the thin line of grey smoke form and I know the light is leaving, the breath is shallow, and the withdrawal soon to be complete. I saw my father do that, I saw Rick do that too. Although it is final, it is a wonderful exit leading to a new dimension. Many years ago, my friend Fred withdrew. On the way out he said, Baby write down what I tell you about the process of death. I DID. He then said, read this at my memorial service, I DID. During the delivery of the message of transition, an eagle came and flew above my head. Then in the wink of a breath, a huff and a puff, another eagle came together they disappeared into the light above. We all smiled as the spirit of that child, now 70 years later, flew to it's next adventure. Watch while they are here, for in the wink of an eye, they shall fly. To all who have gone on before me, I will see on another sunny day, have fun until I get there. In the meantime, I will enjoy all who remain, they are worthy and I love this world.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

LIfe after life, Death becomes us all soon enough, please live now.

Humans are alive, just like the Universe is alive. We forget that sometimes, and live like zombies. I see that blank look, that trudging walk, that lifeless smile, in the faces of those who live without hope, or light. Some feel sentenced in this life, to a life of loss and separation. I felt that in the beginning of my life, the loss of my dad, Wally Anderson, and the loss of all that he represented, and how it created a lifelessness in my family. I see suicide in the eyes of those who see things out of the line of light and life. Living a life of pain and feeling punished is no life at all. There is life after life, infinite and eternal, and it starts where ever you start. That spark within is all you need. Is your world full of life, mine has pups, ponies, kitties, friends, and lots of lively things to care for and about. The grass and her insects, the sun and it's warmth, create life all over this place. I see the energy, and speak to it and of it, and yes, FOR IT even. Our Earth loves our life, she is our Mother-ship. No judgement, just joy. I am the gambler, who see life in the cards. I call to it, and it smiles and brings it's friends around. Life is risky, it will terminate when the cocoon has serviced the soul long enough. Wings are then ready to dry and fly! To the Step-father, Irvin Kalland, that helped my mother and her way of life, congratulations, you are free! Fly to sky and to those you knew long ago, and we will see you again on another sunny day. Thank you for your life here. Namaste'

Monday, November 18, 2019


I like kids. Kids like us here. The ranch appeals to the kid in every human on some level. The sun up and sun down way it sits, animals, plants, insects are at home here. Even weeds have their own area. Milkweeds are everywhere, so are the Monarchs that need them. It is a living breathing place with it's own soul, the soul of a happy healthy KID. It houses healing, happiness, and me. It offers classes, and projects that the kid in everyone need. Our class on Saturday is for the kid in the women signed up. If will be fun and full of energy, it will inspire the kid within to attract the kids around the neighborhood to share the magic. You are magic, and deserve to have your top hat and wand. The show is YOURS, and I am a good kid watcher, when you do you being you, with the energy of a kid, I see it. Then I know the kid in me, did her best work for the kid in you. See you Saturday.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How does this feel?

Unless you know through personal experience, you are not to answer. Only those with the memory in tact fully need reply. Abortion, addiction, obesity, poverty, abuse, loss, rage, depression, anxiety, and the list goes on and on. There is nothing on the outside that will cure the inside without the memory of hope, love and the faith that YOU are enough, will heal it. In your knowing/noing, you become your own medicine. I know/NO those fears. I was that child, shamed for my way of being me. Yelled at and hit until I was black, for being free and honest. My mother called me the PIED PIPER. I SAID ok. She said, no way! Her aura would go black and she became the judge and jury. Funny though, I could lead you in a song, on a horseback ride, on a canoe trip and in a yoga class, and yet those were unacceptable by her INNER GODs of JUDGEMENT. She said to anyone who listen that I was in need of redemption, for on the road to hell I was born and never got off in her world. How does this feel? All good, because of her and that life, I became ME with my life. My family and friends and job all speak to healing and happiness. My daughters show it daily in their work and their play. My animals love the humans who come here for their unconditional touch~ We will teach the women on Saturday Nov. 23, 2019. Thehawc.com has the sign up sheet. It is time now take our authority and our abilities, and take care of that which needs us now. Feels right doesn't it!?!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin, who belongs here?

In the dawn of 20 years here, I remember. I remember why I bought a corn field and some horses. I remember why I build a little clinic and a large arena. I remember why after 8 years, I decided to build a log house and move here for good. It was for the children. I love kids, I believe in their stories and their glories and the RIGHTS and yes, their lefts too. I have worked with human's who have special needs, health problems, been in prison, addicted, abused sexually, emotionally, physically and spiritually, poverty and inner city dwellers. I have seen miracles here in the lives of so many. Health, happiness and horses became my banner. I still carry it high and proud. My oldest daughter Jessie Syfko Ruof will be a mom soon. Her birthday is tomorrow, and I remember. It was children, mine and those of others too, that I came here for, to help, to support, to teach, and most importantly to believe. To remember fun, freedom, laughter and light. Acceptance and unconditional love were all I had to offer at first. The child in me and the child in all of us deserve our ranch~ Happy Birthday Jessie Su! Because of you, I am Dr. Su.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Matters everything matters

A book I love - Behaving as if the GOD in all things matters - Michelle Small Wright, changed me forever a long long time ago. I knew I mattered, I knew you mattered too. As a child it was in the eyes of strangers that I knew I mattered most. They saw me, spoke to me in a way my family could not. They had the same telegraphing energy as animals and water did. I could see it, feel it, and I LOVED it. I mattered to a larger vision of family, an earth family of color, creed, and different design. I could see a particle of light in a cold dark corner and I was drawn to it. I would tenderly try to add in my light, my laugh, my song, but sometimes it did not take. Other times, it was all the spark that mattered! YOU MATTER! I MATTER! All matter in the eyes/I's of Creator.
The tiny fairy of Hawk's Ridge Ranch matters, and she shines in the light of being loved and seen/scene here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

what happens when pride goes away??

PRIDE - defined as being conscious of one's own dignity. When the pride dies, the family breaks apart, they go off and try to find their own way back to it. I spoke to the social security guy yesterday, and he said marriage of more than 10 years had value and was something to be proud of. I said 21 years was the limit, then I needed to establish my pride all over again. I had changed jobs along the way, and the person I married took no pride in my work as a Naturopathic Physician. I thought I could live in two worlds, naturopathy and that other one, at the same time but it took away my pride. I would go to work and feel great about what I did, then I would come home and be told not to talk about it...there or anywhere that he was present. Same thing about my piano playing, I would be told to wait till he was out of the house before I could play. I stopped being proud of my music for awhile. In the history of my Father's family, the Dakota/Blackfeet relatives lost their pride too. Then the families fell apart. I never got to know them, because the false pride of my mother made her stop letting them see us. No photographs were ever displayed, and we knew nothing of our father and his pride, his family or his heritage. I learned alot about pride from the very start of my life. It is why I do what I do the way I do it. I am proud, loud, and willing to be proud of those I care about and everyone else too, until they show me that I should not. Then I do the best I can. Today get up, dress up and show up PROUD to be YOU! Don't worry about the rest of us, you are enough. Thanks for giving me a job, a family, and a place on Mother Earth that I am SO PROUD of, God is WORTHY AND SO ARE ALL OF US, proud to be here and heard. Dr. SU/Sioux

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


You and I deserve this feeling. One that vibrates healing, balance and smiling. One that offers deep sleep. Our world has a song, listen to it. You can find it in Nature or online. It is the Schumann resonance. I played snowflakes on the piano the other day, Mother Gaia can play snowflakes all day long if she chooses. You deserve resonance, warmth and light, and balance. All part of the MAGIC of Earth. You are her child, resonate to that!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Saying good bye, when it is see you later instead

I am infinite and eternal. So are you. When my Mother died, I said I will see you again. She knew what I meant, and asked it she could come with me to where I was headed. I said sure, my Stepfather said NO! It was a definite NO, and that was our final goodbye. In the door way of the house I grew up in, I shook her hand as he reached out to block me from her, and I was dismissed. But not eternally. She died shortly after that day. I know how fear rules realities here. The fear of good-bye caused separation and an exclusivity that I do not support. All creatures great and small, being created by the Supreme Source of ALL that is, make us infinite and eternal, and all will get a chance to continue on.See you again on another SON/SUN day we say, and it will be true.

Friday, November 8, 2019

class for the worthiest of women

It is a lesson for us all. To take the reins/rains of our health and the knowledge needed to keep it up and running. I learned in the 80's that if not ME? WHO then?? Turns out it had to be me, and I am so glad. I learn something new and worth sharing every day. So I am doing that very thing. Nov 23, 10-3 at Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson WI. Thehawc.com has the sign up sheet and there a couple of spots left. A great lunch is part of the day, $99 per person gets you so much! See you soon, Dr. Su

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

truth or consequences

It will be one or the other now. Hidden was the past by a cloak dense and dark. Weaved into a beautiful fabric that kept the attention of those looking. Blocking the whole/hole to the truth. I see through. I am Sagittarius - Sun and Moon. Big in a view of what is out there. Multi faceted eyes, like the insects we swat. Seeing and processing without judgement. I am here for that as a SEER. You are here for all the other cool stuff. Together we will make it our lives work to move toward health, happiness and for me, horses. For YOU?? YOU DECIDE. Truth or the consequences of letting someone else tell you what to do, say, eat or believe. CHOICES are every where, enjoy. It is up to YOU!

Monday, November 4, 2019

A breath of FRESH AIR...

Is that how people perceive you? Are you a breath of fresh air? It is a great way to see how and who kjndles and lights up your fire. In the air element, fires are fanned. In the air element, we humans look and feel better when our air is clean and clear and fresh. If yours is not, go somewhere else. Find a new place, or friend, or mission. One that lights you up, shows you the way, and warms your heart too. Fresh AIR for us all now. We deserve it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Is your life a calling, or is a calling your life?

Mine is the second one. Normal to me, is just a setting on a dryer. I do not live normally, nor do I ever aspire to. I learned that my calling was my life here. I have heard it since I was a child. Like a HAWK in the sky, from far up, the call was always being received. I taught my daughters to listen to their own calling, not mine. I teach my clients the same listening skill. You have a body, it has a voice. It is not your voice, but the voice of the vehicle you currently are moving around in. Learn to here/hear that call. Sometimes it gets loud, and will shout if it needs too. I do not like to be shouted at, so I listen every day. Meditation is key for being quiet and attentive to my self and my body, and yes, that calling I always here/hear. Decide, then listen, everyone gets called up, be ready to here/hear that beautiful voice.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Do you RIDE?

I do. Horses, Harleys, skiis, cars, paddleboards, jets, Jeeps, Hummers, Sports cars, are all rides I take. Sometimes I steer, sometimes I balance, sometimes I nap, and sometimes I backseat drive. From here to there we come and go, riding the waves of change. I do that best. I love changing it up. Ask anyone. In learning to navigate change, riding it out, is the key. I need to see where I am going to get there. I need to relax and trust the ride. Also I need to have a vision and a dream of what I am seeking. When the ride gets bumpy or bucks, or spins me in circles, I need to BREATHE! I need to get centered, and allow the alignment needed for a good ride. Take your ride in this lifetime seriously, YOU are the navigator. If we can help in anyway, let us know and we will meet with you. If you are ok, we will be in the barn RIDING!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Looking through the I's/eyes of pain.

Pain is a red flag. It is only necessary when one has gone out of bounds. The body has boundaries, the human must learn to navigate them without pain. So I see it a gift. One to open and understand. I learned to use Bach Flower Remedies many years ago, helping me with bumps, broken and bruising pains. It is a great way to see pain for what it is, and to forgive and move forward in my healing. Today we do that times 12. We are using horses as flag seers, and mirroring us is what they do so well will be their offering. They see in panoramic vision. WE see in focused vision. I see both ways, micro and macro, I am a Jupiter energy. Nothing is behind me, all is in the front. Horses and healing have been my life and my gift and MY healing. Seeing through I's/eyes together is the magic we offer is finding the source of the pain, and forgiving ourselves for keeping it too long in our lives. PTSD, historic trauma, abuse, and family loss, are all linked together. Connection is needed, and when I's/eyes look together for solutions, they some quickly into the light! See in the clinic!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Untangling the knots

Massage therapists so that, so do chiropractors, volunteers at the ranch worked on the manes and tails of my horses to untangle the fall's attachments, and I also untangle mysteries in my practice as a Naturopath. So much gets tied tight. Sometimes too tight for one person to untangle. Teamwork is needed. It becomes hard to breathe, and hard to see, when you are alone. I in partnership with my client, use a ZYTO scanner, bioenergetic perspective to show me the hidden aspects of those knots/nots. Words and other remedies are offered in the untangling. October 19, we offer horses to do that same thing. The horse's limbic system, the fight or flight feature they use for survival, is matched with the human system. Amplifying the field, untangling the knot/not begins. Come and see what I see, and let's smooth this whole thing out. Hour sessions are $65.
SEE YOU IN THE BARN! 715-426-7350 to sign up.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What's good, light and makes you smile....

What you see and say is what you energize. If you see and say, loss, it will become loss. If you see and say healing, it will become healing. It is the power of the human to control the outcome. Miracles are that power used with faith in things you have a difficult time seeing. I believe this is a great gift we sometimes forget to open and play with. You are a field of light, like a bulb or a candle. YOU send energy. NONE can send it for you. Some can suck yours up, if you allow it. But none can take you free will, which is the breath of light and life. The body is the holder, a beautiful magical animated holder of air and water and electricity and will. YOU are those highly energetic parts, and what you do with them is a miracle all onto itself. See and say, in a big way, what you love and desire, and watch....as it becomes solid and right in front of you! Have fun!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Distance makes our heart grow fonder

I have "distants" in my life. A group of RELATIVES, I did not know. I have spent the last 20 years going the distance to locate their legacy. I could feel the beating of their drums in my heart. I see the smoke signals in the sky. I decorate like they did. I love their music. I eat their food and it gives me strength and energy. I feel in love with this energy. They have become familiars finally after a lifetime of searching. You may be luckier than that. You may know your relatives. They may have loved you and taught you - YOU! When a child is separated from their roots, they are not grounded. I was that child. I work with horses and children now, for the past 19 years, for they ground me. My daughters ground me too. Find your grounding in understanding distance/distants. Look yourself up, and then look down. Take what they teach you on the inside, and then root it in your life. It will give you strength like the family tree we all have, and many do not know. Help one another to go the distance/distants. Remember....we are all related. Together we thrive.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A reason, or a season... HORSES and Healing!

I do things for both. I have reasons that many do not understand. They call me out, and I simply say, for me... there is a reason. For you... just now, may not understand, but soon, very soon you will. Then there are the seasons. Humans live in seasons. I am in the fall of my human life here. It is colorful, and I love it. Sixty years of walking my way in this world. Full force of service, to my highest good, and to the service of others as well. The season for horse back riding is complete here. I take a break, and so do my healing horses. The final event is next week, a class for those interested in the benefits of healing historical trauma and PTSD realities. I have worked with this energy genetically and in my practice as a Naturopathic Physician. It is powerful work, and changes the matrix so easily. Horses and humans change the game! Join us, October 19, 2019 for this gift. $99/person, 10-3, includes lunch! Call the Healing Arts Wellcare Center, 715-426-7350 for a reservation. Thehawc.com is US.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


I have been a party to a life where jamming the square peg into the round hole is what is done. Again and again it gets triggered, forcing the alignment. I need us all to agree to disagree, and do what we do best, period. I do health, I do horses, I do people, and I do sunshine, all very easily. I do know that when I am in that alignment, I am doing Susan at her very best. If you are uncomfortable, unable, unwilling, filled with anxiety or remorse, you are not in alignment. Dis-ease comes from constant misalignment. Quietly remember what it is that you align to. I live my alignment, a ranch, a big commitment to nature, and a lot of love and light and laughter too. In that smooth and easy alignment, I am appreciated and I love that!

Friday, October 4, 2019


I like kids, a lot. I love them too. But more importantly I like them. They are honest, energetic, and curious. They are friendly until something goes wrong. They are willing to fix anything, even unfriendly. I have riders coming in for a day of friendly bareback riding. They are from the CITY! I like that too. This ranch is a great destination for city dwellers. Especially great if you are a kid or a kid at heart. JOIN us sometime for a kid friendly horse experience. It will bring out the KID in you. It sure has keep me a kid for a long time! HAWK'S RIDGE RANCH HUDSON WISCONSIN

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I think word is EPIC! I think of the stories I witness on the planet and surrounding systems, are for sure, they are EPIC. I see the amazing courage, I hear the strong voices, listen to the beautiful music, I meet the coolest people, and I believe them to be EPIC. Little fairies and large horses, dance together in light and laughter. Our fairy hops on her bench and begs to be photographed as she skips the light fandango. EPIC means grand and energetic and larger than life here and driven by LOVE. And I believe in all things, especially LOVE. YOU are larger and longer than life here. Eternal, infinite and yes, EPIC. Tell us your stories, and soon, very very soon, we will tell you ours. She is one of the key characters in our story.She and Hawk's Ridge Ranch has some EPIC tales to tell, and once a month we will broadcast them to the world in EPIC fashion! See you in the movies!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


My grandfather was a mechanic, my step dad a mechanical engineer, my brother a mechanic too. It takes skill and patience and memory. It takes time, and it takes money. I AM NOT A MECHANIC. I am a teacher. I teach wellness. It can be mechanical, biological, chemical, emotional and spiritual, all at the same time. I teach distraction from the negative. I teach focus on what is good and right and filled with light and potential. Darkness is hard to work in, and harder to work with. Light is warm and shows all the details. There is no mechanic on earth, medical, automotive, or any kind, that can work in the dark. Stand in the light, tell us who you are, and then together we can see what needs to be done.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Fear?? of love.

Love is a creative force, the creative force that I use in my work here. It is because I loved myself and my family that I became the Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Su. I love the sharing and encouragement it offers to people of all kinds. Some come afraid, some come very ill, and others come for the experience of the knowledge I have. I know that I can love them up some, with a smile, a vision of what I see, and words of hope and encouragement. I do not worry about much else, the love of this world, is enough. It heals what it touches. It is really all there is, find it and share it. Fear, no more now, not now, not ever. Take a look in the mirror and love it, it is what you were given to work with, and it is all YOU!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The authority of the feminine - feline??

Fe-line, the tiger is the most fierce of all creatures. Fe-line. It is a feminine energy. Dominated by truly nothing with her authority in tact. Not only will she bare young, hosting the spirit and nourishing a new body, creating a vessel for a soul to inhabit. She can and will nurse it for a time until she can trust a male to play with it and teach it survival here. I am that FELINE, the feminine authority, fierce and loving, the mother, and now the grandmother. Earth is looking to raise us back up, so we may, with authority, raise up the young. Hosting a class here, working on restoration and healing, women welcome home! See our facebook page, Hawk's Ridge Ranch for details. Call to reserve your spot. 715-426-7350, October 19, 2019, 10-3 Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson, Wis. $99/ person, space limited. Lunch included.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


I have a hard time asking for help. Do YOU? I try to do it myself. I like to. I am enchanted by those things that stump me. I turn them inside out and upside down. I shake them hard, and throw those dice. I read them and then I try again and again until I WIN. My Interstitial Cystitis was like that for me. It stumped me, made me angry, tired, sad and motivated. It poked holes in my spine for wires to run through and poked holes in a theory that said, THERE WAS NO CURE.That was a lie. I knew I knew I could figure it out. I did. I have made a career of helping others like me who get up, dress up and show up with a willingness to figure it out. It takes time, and being on time, energy, money, self worth and that is just the first time we meet. My birthday says I can retire this year. I am going to do that. The last 3 months are what I have left to help those new in this game. From then on, those who know me, will always have me. The rest, well that is their quest! Namaste! Dr. Sioux/Su

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

WORK SHOP... interested?

I just did one. I taught it with another. It went well, people liked it. I am direct, informative and honest. I say what I see, and have experienced. I am educated and have quite the tale to tell. I sometimes forget that 30 years is quite a long time. I have worked, and I have shopped for what works for me and mine. I believe that is what a work-shop should offer. I am teaching again October 19, 2019. It will be the same format, start at 10, with lunch included. It will offer the benefit of another healer's gift too. Cost $99. Space limited. Sign up by e-mail at thehawc@gmail.com or call the office, 715-426-7350. Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson Wisconsin.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Say what you think, think positively

I was married long ago. He complained alot. In counseling I was told to allow 20 minutes a day. I tried to whistle when time was up, that did not go well. I was told over and over, I simply did not understand. His complaints were urgent and noisy and I felt repelled by them. Please hear this when you start complaining, 20 minutes is the limit. The complainer shoulders the negative toxic energy in their aura, and then it begins to take root in the body.It shapes a life. Then it splashes on those close, kids and animals take a direct hit and react instantly to YOU and your energy as you present it. Calm, thoughtful, caring is what we need to help this world. Think before you speak, it is a choice that needs to be made with full consciousness. Change starts with in!

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Camo season is here. I see you anyway, so do the animals you are trying to deceive. They know energy, see and feel it in the noses and their feet. A horse's hoof is like an upside down drum. They feel the vibrations of a wolf walking up. You who use CAMO, are only hiding from yourself. It is the fear of failure, of being seen as less that drives to you that place. Nature is nature, you are her child. She made your body, and she loves you no matter what. Don't hide anymore. Ask her to feed you, body and soul. She has abundance to share. We are water, SHE is water. Water is life, and this planet has plenty to go around. MNI WICONI! Come out from you hiding place and be....free. We are the collective consciousness and we see all of the children.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Shadows fall away in the light

There is light and there is shadow. Both are real. The focus of you, is where you go. I teach that on the back of a horse. Where you look, your horse will receive the message and go there. On a bike you do not look at the handlebars! Everyone look up, sun or moon, light is light. You came from light and to light, the level you can absorb and radiate out is where you are going. I know I love the light, in the eyes, the smiles, the skies and even in a dark room, to see you better and see me, seeing you. Lighten up, it's a good day and good life, and we are here to be and see that light.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Who is your neighbor?

Do you know? I did not for a long time. Kept apart by the illusions of life, we see them as strangers and keep to ourselves. My life has mostly been lived in the country, neighbors were not close by. When I had my children, I moved them into a neighborhood with a cul-de-sac. I thought that would be fun for them, easy access to neighbor kids. It was not really what I had hoped for. People were distant even though they lived close by. We took ourselves to the country after that brief city life, and our pets were who we played with and we had each other too. My children, now grown, still have that in their life. Pets were unconditional with their time and love, and that worked well for us. Yesterday, I saw a new pet in my country world, a beautiful dog and I thought that is the kind of neighbor I can understand. So I went over and said hello. Turns out that dog has a person! A new neighbor to wave to and smile at as you go by. So I took it a step further and took that new neighbor to all of my old neighbors, and said, I wish someone would have done that for me when I came here twenty years ago. I know illusions of separation must leave us if we are to survive and thrive. We have begun to understand we are all connected and it is time now to know your neighbors! Be the neighbor you wish you had! They will smile and wave back too. Humanity needs one another, and it starts in your neighborhood, today, neighbor, today! Welcome Bret and Clay to the neighborhood, we're glad to know you. Dr. Su

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Not a drive by.....

That song brings that reality to our ears. THIS is not a drive by, like so many things, jobs, relationships and more choices are these days. It seems that the quick trip, quick dip, quick temper, are quickly becoming the norm. Parenting, a quick 6 weeks off and back to work. Marriages, a quick role around a family and that's an all bets are off now too. Quick weed control kills, ask those who have suffered, quick food does the same thing. Take some time, to take some time. A walk, a talk, a day off, is the only way we are going to move into the light now. This is not a DRIVE BY, we are here for real. Real people, in real time, acting real interested and interesting. JOIN us, we are teaching health and wellness of the 21st of September. It is not going to be QUICK, but very real and fun. AND those of you, looking for a stop in and stay awhile kind of day, will love our organic ranch, our lovely staff, our remarkable food, our critters, and our class will be world class~ see you soon. Call 715-426-7350 , to reserve your ticket. And thehawc.com will show you who and where we are!

Saturday, September 7, 2019


We are given them. We earn them. They are passed down. I know how I respond to a title, a job is described, or a heritage, or a level of education. It clarifies things for me. I met a Nose Guard from the Minnesota Vikings yesterday for a round of golf. Hardware Hank is his nickname. Henry is his given name. I asked what that title meant. He said the guy in the middle. I learned that was the perfect place for him. His is a cheerful, athletic, and intelligent character, with a good game of golf to his credit. As he describes, one who likes to talk, mildly informative and wildly entertaining. Good title, NOSE tackle Henry Thomas. A perfect fit. A nose for fun, and friendly too. Use your title well, it will serve you in this life when it honestly aspired to. Mine? Dr. Su/Sioux that's me to a tee!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

SAGE and all the other smoke

You are smoke, wind, breath and air. Some are hot, some are damp, some are chilly and some are too thick to see through. And yet, you are all smoke. In birth the wind comes to the fetus, and VIOLA' you are IN, animated and alive for as long as you decide. Air in = birth! Air out=death. In the text of being human that is how it works. It is an awesome opportunity to be encased in a body of water, electricity, mineral and more. It is genetic in it's form, it is malleable in it's life here. YOU decide. Then comes more smoke, fires, tobacco, sage, pot, sweet grass, and more. It be-comes you or not. I am SAGE and tobacco. Old and pure, and full of smoke! How about you?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


People get them when they do not have them. What does that mean, it means that when your >hive is missing you will attract another. All things are magnetic to us. What we need, we get. Period. A hive is necessary for family, friends, community and living in harmony and cooperation. I have never had hives on my body, but I have a giant one here on my ranch. It is beautiful. It is busy. I know I am the queen of it. Find your hive, know where you are in harmony with those who surround and support you. BEE/BE all that you can BEE/BE. I will too.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


I have never been, although everyone else thinks I am, yet I always have bee. I am sometimes a poor employee, and yet sometimes an even poorer employer. I connect to that which is that in that realm of thinking or working in the present moment. Truly I work for humanity. They, actually WE, are my job and my boss all at the same time. Offering great benefits and a super reason to get up in the morning and get to work, I do. I love every day of it. It is such a privilege to have the job I do, that taking any money at all for seems funny to me. I work for light, love and laughter. I work for health, happiness and horses. I work for angels and aliens, and all the directions on this planet receive my gift. If you are interested in whole health, I will work for you too. Bio-energetic is real, it is space age, it is fast and it tells a truth easy to work with. All energy is ease for those who understand, dis-ease for those still learning. Come and learn, see and believe, live and love this world, and employ a new way of being YOU. That is SELF - EMPLOYMENT at it's highest rank. So there.

Monday, September 2, 2019


Are you exempt from less or loss? In the scope of light and love and believing you are, YOU ARE. It is a simple truth. A love for you exists in the greater light out there. You carry it inside in a package so valuable that others would try to take it from you and your children. See your light, add to it each day. It will become so fiery that no one will even attempt to attack it or attach to it. YOU are the boss, your children are under your protection, period. THAT light, that love, exempts you from less and loss, and when you remember that.....well, things will change.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

PTSD Historic Trauma recent or not it still needs healing

Rick McArthur was in the Movie Dodging Bullets before he left earth 2 years ago. That summer of 2017 he worked on it within as well as without in his own way. He spoke to me about his life, his choices, his activism, AIM, family concerns, and of course, Historic Trauma for each Native American. We walked and talked with the horses about it, and life got better as it came to it's conclusion. Peace came in the stories, and the view from here and from the back of those horses with every ride we took. He said it was a vital movie and the beginning of the changes needed for healing our world. He was spot on. Come ride with us, and bring your PTSD. My horses are programmers of light and love, and you can walk it through while you talk it through with me. Everyone has a story, ask those who love Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin. There are lots of healing folks walking on this plane and the next, benefiting from time here with those great healers, my incredible horses. Dr. Sioux/Su

Saturday, August 31, 2019

These women are the backbone of this season riding with the disabled program. Every single week they share their humor, their strength and their love with the Ranch, the horses and those who ride with us. A real shout out to them with great appreciation! Patty, Kern, Rebecca and Ila. You are loved.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


The Standing Rock Water Protectors were here last night. One from Oklahoma, one from Canada, and one from Minnesota. AND ME too. I am a guardian of our water, our beautiful and necessary water. It is a gift from Creator and our Earth Mother to us all here. Land and animals, sea creatures and humans all benefit from this gift of life, given to us freely and charged to our account to keep it for the next coming. I went to Standing Rock and played my flute to the water. She smiled and said thank you. I do that here at the St. Croix River that I am guardian of too. What thing do YOU guard in this world in this lifetime? It is a choice and a sovereign duty for adult humans in the light, and everyone has a special thing they take care of. Think about it. Remember it to your day job, your duty to protect and serve is what keeps you interested and interesting. When the passion for what you cherish and protect fades, GO HOME! We are only in need of those who remember their responsibility to this beautiful world and all she offers. Stnad up and take your role of GUARDIAN seriously, then come on over to Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson WI on the beautiful St. Croix River and I will introduce you to some other amazing GUARDIANS OF THIS WORLD!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


My home was flooded by a guest who turned on the water and let it run for hours and hours. I came home to a drowning. It is always something new around here. This was no different. I looked to the mountain for the eagle. He came and said. Let go, it is a lesson, an illusion really. Allow us to help you to remedy the situation. Then align again with all that is better for you and this place you call home and work. Then and only then will you appreciate all that you steward here with new eyes. We are coming up to the year 2020. It is a view from above. Call to the eagles and the hawks and the owls too, and let's stop the overflow of less and loss. Time for a sunny day!

Monday, August 26, 2019

One WHO sits on clouds Mahpiya

I did a little his or her story about my way of being based upon unknown lineage. The past of my Anderson roots was denied me as a child and it took some real digging to find the truth. I felt better when I did. Being the child of step people was always hard for me, my father long gone and his love of his children with that loss. I needed to know some reasons for being me, that I could not see in my home life. I craved certain ways of living. I craved certain ways of being me that seemed odd to others. I craved horses. I craved nature. I craved canoes and the water. I craved the free spirit style of living. I got that from my ANDERSONness. The mother of my Great-Grandfather Will Culbertson was Mahpiya, One who sits on clouds. Her story is as remarkable as was her life. My family wrote her name as Matilda in trying to hide her roots and native blood. She would have lost her children to the Boarding Schools that stole them from their families for over a century. She was a warrior. My life is that of a warrior too. Come and learn how to find your roots, your structure, your gift of being human. We are teaching on the 21st of Sept. at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin. Call to reserve your ticket. 715-426-7350 $99 for the day and lunch too. Bio-energetics and lifescapes, personal perspectives on how and why you are YOU. I will tell you what I see from my CLOUD!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Minimum requirement?

That's how some humans do it. A passing grade, a little effort, show up late, and then, leave early. I get this behavior in my health restoration work as well as other parts of my life. As a gambler, a risk taker, a believer - I always go MAX! Some people just want a MINIMUM requirement, and that's all they offer. YET...they demand maximum results. I have seen the blind see again, the malignant restored to harmony, the heavy made leaner and lighter, and the sad, angry, scared people, SMILE with hope. My friend is dreaming again, and telling me all about it! It was magnificent. Listen carefully to what I am about to reveal. LIKE CURES LIKE. LOOK IT UP! It is the truth. What you put in, you get back out! No more, NO LESS! If you have spent money, time, energy or anything else killing yourself, or those around you who are in your scatter pattern. STOP!! RIGHT NOW!! You are valuable, infinite and eternal. You have potential, and only you have to ability to access it. I can not, nor can any other. CHOICE is your divine right. SO, if you are sick of sick, go all in. MAX potential will give MAX result. That's all you need to know. Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, August 19, 2019

Real or NOT

When you see light moving, and energy shifting, real is relative. People believe if you can touch it, it is real. That is 3-D. I know that is only partially true. Faith is real. Hope is real. And largest energy of all, LOVE is real. It is the force, like the wind. Very real, not touchable, but changing the face of all it comes in contact with. Smile, breathe, and leave 3-d real to other people, move into the forces of light, love and laughter. DANCE IN THE WINDS OF CHANGE. That is real enough and it is all encompassing energy, for you and Dr. Su. And yes, we are very very real.

Friday, August 16, 2019

the TRUTH is the strongest

All words have energy. YOU CAN NOT unshoot the arrow that your words project. PERIOD. Sometimes forgiveness is not even available, especially for the loss of truth. Those silent times are sometimes worse then those deadly words. In faking it with silence, or being just plain DUMB, it makes you as lost and lonely and disconnected as you can get here. Everyone knows everything, on some level. Dogs do. they sense it, and hackles go up. They can hear/here unspoken words. They can smell them too. You can too, and your kids can do it even better then you can. SO today, open up to your words. Words of love, of encouragement, of light, of potential. Then see who is still around when the silence is over. Truth, nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME........GOD and all the other higher beings who have my back!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

funny?? i am

Light, love and laughter are medicine. I know that for sure. When a client is ill, laughing changes their energy and their focus. Find a funny friend, or movie, or go to the zoo and see funny animals and kids. Taking life and all it offers too seriously, is serious, very very serious. And you will follow that energy as long as you are in it. A long series of seriousness, is serious, deadly. YUK! Let it go. Let it in to the light. Google jokes, see the smile breaking the face open. Your mouth is a brain all on it's own. It feeds you and it propels you in every way. SMILE and change it up. Laugh out loud and you WILL SOAR WITH THE EAGLES! And I guarantee that will make you SMILE.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Oar/or I love words!

Moving around on the blue planet takes ors/oars. It is the water world we live in. It takes choices, and vision. I teach bareback horseback riding at Hawk's Ridge Ranch</b> for the vision of something not seen from the ground. A ladder will elevate you to a higher vision, but will not propel you to it. A horse will do that. What you focus on will be the outcome from that input. Today LOOK! Get up on that horse, or even that stationary ladder and LOOK. Then once you have focused on the vision you love, and are willing to embrace it, go there and DO IT! Just do it, or put your oars/or back in your water, and decide again later. It is the freewill we have to chose to use. USE IT> It is a divine right of life.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Suicide - really??? Life never ends. Why do people not remember that.

Re-member me. Jesus said that at dinner one evening, and >communion was taught. Other teachers taught the same thing. Where we go one, we go all. There is no short cut. In the end we shall all be together, standing as one. Do you wonder what will happen then? Re-member it. Your junk DNA, your 95% of unused brain, all carry the KNOWING. In meditation, and also in ceremony it is accessible. Go there and find the answer to your feelings of less, lack and loss. Suicide, all death, just like birth here is chosen, and YOU are the chooser. Free will for us all here, what it is for you, is for all of us. One drop in an ocean of togetherness. Simple. Yet so hard to remember.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Kids helping kids

I am that kid. I always was that kid. The joy of helping, sharing, adventuring with kids of all kinds is my favorite feeling. It was born with me. It has carried me all along the way. It is commonly why I find love in so many strange places. I find the kid, the one who was looking for that other kid! Be the kid today. In the Lions's Gate of 2019, it could be spectacular. Do what you would do it you all the time and all the money in the world, and someone to play with. If you need a friend come on over here. We have lots of friends to share, dogs, cats and nine amazing horses. Kids are us. Just check out yesterdays rider and her amazing helper.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

ADDICTION - loneliness is the cause

As a kid, I was a very social character. I still am. I do not remember ever playing with my mom, or my dad either. I looked for pals. I found them in nature, at school, in church, at camp. I found human friends, animals too. When lonely became apparent, loss was the feeling. In feeling loss, there is the addiction to sugar too sweeten life up, and other altering materials. People eat, drink, hook up to games, use chemistry for entertainment and then when that ends, they end. Loneliness is a death sentence on this planet. We were designed to be in partnership, in family and in community. Get out now, end the cycle of separate and alone. It is time, to pitch in, find where and with whom, you fit in. There are so many choices. We at Hawk's Ridge Ranch are going to offer a whole bunch of options. Classes begin in September, keep yourself alert to our schedule. We will post it on thehawc.com If you are lonely and sick of it, join us September 21, 2019. Janet Kieffer and Dr. Susan Anderson will share their journey and their gifts with those looking for answers. Lifescapes and Bio-energetics are the topic of the day. Lunch will be served. CLass 10- 4, $99. Even stay for happy hour to chat about the learning. We are breaking the chains of loss now. Please do the same. Health, happiness and horses, are our motto. And we are never lonely!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Whose job is it?

It is my job to parent, to help the sick and afflicted, to run a ranch and to be a friend. It is the risk I take to be authentic and true to my gift. There are a lot of jobs to do. And somehow some of those out there in line, have not stepped up to the plate. It is a great privilege to be an Earthling. It is a great honor to serve. It is time to take your job seriously and get to work. If not, then please leave. We are not here for those who are not here for us.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Women and children FIRST!

That is the way of heaven. The way of valor and integrity. It is the way of truth, light and love for this world. Conflict, violence and pain inflicted by men, who prey on women and children, is now over! Me too made it happen, Epstein, the Pope, the Queen, the sick and addicted, the lost and the fearful hit us, screamed at us, and we have said enough now. Last Friday I gave a drunk guy a ride to his mother's to sober up. Half way there, he panicked, attacked me while I was behind the wheel, grabbed the wheel and the keys. Then he grabbed my arm and tried to break it, while saying, after he did that first then he would kill me. That is enough now. I talked to my girls about it, all of them. Family and friends are so over this. Some were able to relate, others were just angry or sad or both. The cops were sick of it too. They see it every day. Addicts to the dark side, behaving as no one matters and deserve to be hurt. If we all stand together and SAY OUT LOUD - WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST, I believe we will be heard. I know I am not done talking about it! ARE YOU?

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Are you empty?

Many are. Pockets, drives, abilities, relationships and more. Empty, bored, lonely and ready for a CHANGE. We are changing it up around here. It is time to get together, be together, speak together and learn to listen together. Our Medicine Wheel Fire Circle and Tipi need people. There is warm weather for gatherings, teachings and overnites. Our first self sponsored class will be the 27 of September. Three great teachers will share from 5-9 at Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson Wis. Join us, empty is over, so very very over.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Dr. Su's online store!! Join in a lifetime of health and wellness.

When you work with us, we share truth. We share ideas and remedies. Our world deserves to be better. So in the spirit of better and faster, I have an online store! Thank you for being with us all the years. We will continue to service our people for a long time to come. Call for instructions or email thehawc @ gmail.com. 715-426-7350 is the clinic and barn. Thanks Dr. Su - owner THE HAWC and Hawk's Ridge Ranch, 457 County Road U, Hudson Wisconsin.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Deal breaker KNOW YOURS

I have made deals, just as all of us have. I am clear, and yet I give in to demands, requests, and leverage of the sad, broken hearted who ask for it. I do that because I can. Ask my daughters about the deal breakers. Lie to me, deal broken. Say one thing and do another with no notice, deal breaker. Hurt a child or an animal or Mother Earth, on purpose, real deal breaker. There are those who honor your deals. Be clear, and hold your ground. There are others who do not. Let them make a deal with another. It is time to pull together, in the light here. Love is all there is, and you are full of it! Use it, know yours, mine is really fun and that is the deal I offer. IF IT STOPS BEING FUN, I BREAK THE DEAL. TODAY IS SUNDAY FUNDAY, ENJOY!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

where we go ONE, we go ALL

Have you heard that? One person can lead an army. One person can build you up or take you down. Let that one person be YOU! You are given a freewill, use it. Be not influenced by that which takes more than it gives. If it leaves you hung over with regret, change it up. YOU are here/hear to see that you were the one you were looking for all along. Be in love with what you have and what you hold dear. It is simple, but true. I believe health is wealth, so is family, friends, furry or not so much, and that we hold our own set of keys. FIRE it up and let's get moving. We are here to help, join us on the ranch or at the clinic. Where we go ONE, we go ALL. And we are here for you. thehawc.com at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin.

Monday, July 15, 2019

What holds us up or down? BOREDOM

Boredom does that for me. It gave me a chance to fail. Even as a child it was toxic and I knew it. It causes us to look for trouble, drama, and drag others into it to play with. Kids that are bored, do that. Adults do it worse. Find some passion. I have horses, and a paddle board and a beach. I have dogs and cats and my heritage to keep me interested. When that is not enough, I know I can find something else. HOW ABOUT HELPING SOMEONE? Use your bored time to pitch in. GET OUT AND TRY! You will be so glad you did. Volunteers are needed at my ranch! Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson, WI loves helpers! Gardens, paths, animals, and humans all are here to give you a chance to NOT BE BORED! Give us a call, 715-426-7350.

Monday, July 1, 2019


To be or not to be, that is the question. Kids often struggle with this idea of how to be the center of someone's attention. If they try with a smile and a good performance and attention is received, they do it again and again. When a child does not get the attention needed from that, they try other options. Pain, inflicted on you or themselves, or critters or other kids. That means sick, injured, mean or sad. It means a life full of drama at every turn. Being center stage is their goal. Any attention at all is better then none. I knew as a kid, when hurt or sick my mother was attentive. When I was doing stuff, she simply did not pay any attention to me at all. She did not come to events that I performed at very often. She was strict and very dramatic about her own stuff. It left little room for us kids. Your kid or the kid in you needs attention. SO PAY ATTENTION PLEASE. Put down the electronics, and go for a long walk and talk. Sing together, dance, laugh out loud, and listen, really listen. They when full, will then pay attention to you too. It is truly a win-win. Be the center of attention for yourself, in light, love and laughter, then attend to another. It will be a great gift to us all. Namaste' Dr. Sioux/Su

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

see/sea me please

I am water and fire. You are too. The fire lights the way, illuminates the site/sight. We love fire. We crave water for the mirror it provides us to see/sea all that we are and can be. In me you see you. I am blessed to be seen. I am a renegade, a fighter, a risk taker, a fire, and a teacher too. Wellness is my job, fun is my goal. If it is fun, I shall remain connected to it. If it is not, I will end it. I am a lover of children and nature, particularly animals. I love to ski or paddle, I love to ride just about anything, horse or Harley. I love to see in you what remains to be remedied in me. You are my greatest teacher. I see/sea YOU! I am a seer. I looked as child for those who mirror the changes coming into my body, my spirit, and my life. I chose well. My friends and my family inspire me, they also teach me what NOT to do, or become. I have become the best of them, and am learning all the time, that I can do even better. I look to the next few years as landmark as we open our Hawk's Lodge here at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson WI. Stay, play, live and learn form our horses and our healers. It changes everything!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

How can we help now?

I have been helping for quite awhile. I teach health and wellness as a Naturopathic Doctor. I teach rest and relaxation on amazing trips. I teach bareback horsemanship in my arena on my amazing healing horses. I now have time and space to accommodate groups. I love the sharing of community with like minded people. If you are group, a family, a neighborhood or just a human looking to meet others looking to meet you, we are ready. Our ranch can feed you, give you rest, teach you and so much more. Tell us now, how we can help. 715-426-7350 will get you on our schedule for events and classes.

Friday, June 21, 2019

summer in the sun/son

Community comes together in the summer in the warmth and light of the outdoors and it's bright SUN. Welcome the season to our neighborhood with a smile. It is in the light that all things are seen. See everything NOW. You can heal it if you can see it and understand it's origin. Change in the matrix all seen that is wounded or tangled. Forgive and move on. Some is old, some is fresh. Let your life be seen with the light of this solstice. Longest day of the year, make it a bright and warm one. We all deserve a great summertime.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Whose mess is this?

If it comes to your attention that there is a mess, and you know it is YOURS, do not expect anyone else to clean it up. I have been a viewer of such choices, and see the shame it creates. In living with debt, or shame, or guilt, or even some warped aspect of entitlement, do YOUR OWN work now. It is the way to healing, and feeling value and worth again. We are watching, and we see who is up to the task. Health, happiness and horses are waiting for those in balance with life and light! And they are not in with anyone's mess, only someone's cleaning up now. When you arrive at that, with your life, our world, your health or any other mess you made, you will be glad you did it, ALL BY YOURSELF!

Friday, June 14, 2019

enter in

The four directions are coming to an agreement. They are the red race, white race, black race and yellow race of HUMAN BEING on earth. NOW there is more than those, but for this, think only of those. Each was given an element to master for eons of time and they have done that. The white race knows FIRE< the red race know EARTH, the yellow race knows AIR and the black race know WATER. They know life with it and without it. Great gifts of Creator to us here. Our time merge our skills is upon us. Only love and cooperation will support a future here. Bring your skill to the fire, the table, the boardroom and the back yard. Selflessly share what comes easily to us, and be gracious in accepting the magic and experience of others. It is time, to lay down our weapons, and our hurts. It is a time to thrive and be alive! Enter in to the new matrix, 5-D is here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

you are in the storm

Energetic, magnetic, and vital to the future of the earth. It is NOW, it is US and we are all in. Do not let the mayhem throw you off your focus. See the bigger picture by stepping back and getting a wider view. It is the time of the Rainbow warrior, it is time for transparent truth in all, and I mean ALL things. Secrets are never healthy, and it will shock and them amaze us all when we see the whole coming together. Look for the storm to end soon, and the rainbow that will change everything here.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The truth, the whole truth...

I was once a physician recruiter. We got a book of naughty doctors every year to refer to. We knew that there were secret behaviors, and we could not place a doctor in good faith without the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It was eye opening, and sometimes very disturbing. They were good at less, masters really. They told, they sold, they bullied, they used their higher intelligence and education to demean and belittle the patient's choices. AND it was all about MONEY. The highest paid executive in Minnesota is in the health care field. Seems broken to me. I have changed the matrix for me and my health, and for those looking for another choice. Look your doctors, lawyers, cops, and judges in the eye now. Say in your owne words, STYAND IN THE LIGHT OF LOVE AND THE CREATIVE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS, INCLUDING YOU, AND TELL ME THE TRUTH, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH NOW! Let's see what we see from that place.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Are YOU the one you were waiting for?

Kids who get separated from their adults, look around, wait and even have a fit if they are afraid. It is the same way with all humans. We were taught that someone would be coming for us. Jesus, or who ever held the key to your future. It kept a lot of people in LIMBO, or hell as I see it. Which the word HELL by the way, means separation. Natives here on this planet, keep on loving the world, their gift of life and their families and communities, too. They know every thing is a cycle and when it is time, be ready, but do not sit around waiting. I see it all the time with health, money, relationships too. Waiting for that PERFECT thing, or someone, or timing. It is NOW. Be the ONE you love first and best and longest, everything else comes after that. Ask Jesus if you want verification, he told me that story of life on earth, a long time ago and I know it is true! How about you, were you worth waiting for? I was.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

THAT Rainbow Bridge, filled with the loves of our lives

If we know about this place, then we can endure the shift. When one of our soul family passes over, their love for us stays. Then there is the bridge. THE RAINBOW BRIDGE. It is where heaven meets earth. It is the reunion PLACE of souls, who in this time were tight and a part of the team. My team lost another member this week. He was a beautiful horse, Bubba, re-purposed here from a barrel racer to a therapy horse. He spent many years in a herd of healers. He was a part of the best part of me. I am a herd member. I belong to that beautiful group, powerful and filled with a love for the human race, particularly the impaired. I see him in the clouds with his brothers and sisters waiting for me and the rest of our crew. There are nine now, and they have alot left to give. I do too. So for now, I will see you in the barn at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin! Thank you Karole Lee for sending him to us, and thank you Bubba for being BUBBA!! Namaste'

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Do you see yourself in the colors of the rainbow? Frequencies of light. Memories of color. Beautiful beings returning to Earth fully dressed. Look for the Rainbow Blessers. They are here, and they are looking for you. Ask your higher self to reveal to you that which you can see with your own eye's/I's eyes tuned in. It is time for full disclosure. I am glad. I hope you are too. See you at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson, WI for a retreat from the NORMAL world that surrounds us. This is a magical ranch, horses and health, a medicine wheel fire circle and us. We can plan it for you and your group or family, or you can. It will be filled with rainbows!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Intel: KejRaj Q&A: Galactics, Ascension, GCR, and More

Intel: KejRaj Q&A: Galactics, Ascension, GCR, and More: Q & A With Kejraj: Galactics, Ascension, GCR and More Greetings! As always from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!...

Mirror, mirror on the......

It is life here. Mirrors to YOU of YOU. Your energy is reflected back to you in the eyes of a child, or animal. In the words of an adult. In the land that you work with, and even your stuff will show you YOU. If it scares you, makes you angry or worse, feel sick, take stock of your inner workings. I refer to practioners who work with healing therapy for less, lack and loss in the lives of humans here. I send the fat ones to someone who helps them reduce the need to insulate. I send the sad ones to another mother energy, and the mad ones go to a shaman to sweat! Emotion, health, success, vitality, accountability and choice of response, are on the table now. In the present life is a grand MIRROR of you. HOW do you look today?

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Be peaceful now, DOVES surround us

My garage has doves, my barn has doves, my pasture has the Horse named Dove. It is the harbinger of peace. Our world deserves it. Conflict of any kind, offense or defense, is done now. Be who and how, with whom and where ever you choose, only in peace. SMILE, your adventure continues, only without all the adrenaline and all the drama it brings. If you need a place for meditation, our ranch opens for the summer, May 1,2019. Riders are coming! Campers are coming. Yoga people are coming! Are you coming? Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson Wis. Check us out on Facebook
, we will be posting mini videos all summer long.