Saturday, December 21, 2019

The eyes/I's tell the story,

In the depth of your beingness, your body delivers the inside to the outside by a variety of expressions. The eye is the I. The liver rules the top and the kidneys rule the bottom. I see the circles, the grimaces, the twinkling, and the other behaviors as the map to who and how you are WHO you are. Health and Happiness need to be balanced. The only rule is to follow your bliss, whatever you know that to be. Mine is kids, nature and critters galore. It is skiing and swimming and music too. It is dancing and fires and good friends and food. And it is all processed each day as I sleep, by me. I am the opinion that truly counts, and in my eyes you can see that. On this beautiful Winter Solstice, check with your eyes/I's. Clear and bright, sparking and warm, or not. Take a big drink of water, look into the distance, see the Sun/Son and remember YOU are worthy of love, laughter and yes, bliss! Eye's do not need to see to BELIEVE! Miracles are every where. And your eyes tell the stories.

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