Friday, October 18, 2019

Untangling the knots

Massage therapists so that, so do chiropractors, volunteers at the ranch worked on the manes and tails of my horses to untangle the fall's attachments, and I also untangle mysteries in my practice as a Naturopath. So much gets tied tight. Sometimes too tight for one person to untangle. Teamwork is needed. It becomes hard to breathe, and hard to see, when you are alone. I in partnership with my client, use a ZYTO scanner, bioenergetic perspective to show me the hidden aspects of those knots/nots. Words and other remedies are offered in the untangling. October 19, we offer horses to do that same thing. The horse's limbic system, the fight or flight feature they use for survival, is matched with the human system. Amplifying the field, untangling the knot/not begins. Come and see what I see, and let's smooth this whole thing out. Hour sessions are $65.
SEE YOU IN THE BARN! 715-426-7350 to sign up.

1 comment:

Vilhelm man said...

Have A Relaxing Weekend!