Monday, May 20, 2019

Are YOU the one you were waiting for?

Kids who get separated from their adults, look around, wait and even have a fit if they are afraid. It is the same way with all humans. We were taught that someone would be coming for us. Jesus, or who ever held the key to your future. It kept a lot of people in LIMBO, or hell as I see it. Which the word HELL by the way, means separation. Natives here on this planet, keep on loving the world, their gift of life and their families and communities, too. They know every thing is a cycle and when it is time, be ready, but do not sit around waiting. I see it all the time with health, money, relationships too. Waiting for that PERFECT thing, or someone, or timing. It is NOW. Be the ONE you love first and best and longest, everything else comes after that. Ask Jesus if you want verification, he told me that story of life on earth, a long time ago and I know it is true! How about you, were you worth waiting for? I was.

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