Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Manifesting your destiny

-Win or lose, you choose. It came to my attention long ago, that losses are taught as belief systems. Instilled in us by preachers and teachers, doctors and lawyers, neighbors and family, coaches and team leaders, some will promote the feeling of loss, to promote their personal gain. Fear feeds this illusion. In the larger scope however, where we go one, we go all. It will now be obvious to anyone willing to look and see, that that game is over now. Revealing that nothing is ever lost, is the Creator of all things. It is simply unseen by those with closed eyes to afraid to peek. OPEN your eyes, open your ears, and then, open your heart. All you love is and always has been, right in front of you. SMILE and the whole world smiles with you, now that is a destiny worth manifesting!

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