Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Oar/or I love words!

Moving around on the blue planet takes ors/oars. It is the water world we live in. It takes choices, and vision. I teach bareback horseback riding at Hawk's Ridge Ranch</b> for the vision of something not seen from the ground. A ladder will elevate you to a higher vision, but will not propel you to it. A horse will do that. What you focus on will be the outcome from that input. Today LOOK! Get up on that horse, or even that stationary ladder and LOOK. Then once you have focused on the vision you love, and are willing to embrace it, go there and DO IT! Just do it, or put your oars/or back in your water, and decide again later. It is the freewill we have to chose to use. USE IT> It is a divine right of life.

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