Monday, July 1, 2019


To be or not to be, that is the question. Kids often struggle with this idea of how to be the center of someone's attention. If they try with a smile and a good performance and attention is received, they do it again and again. When a child does not get the attention needed from that, they try other options. Pain, inflicted on you or themselves, or critters or other kids. That means sick, injured, mean or sad. It means a life full of drama at every turn. Being center stage is their goal. Any attention at all is better then none. I knew as a kid, when hurt or sick my mother was attentive. When I was doing stuff, she simply did not pay any attention to me at all. She did not come to events that I performed at very often. She was strict and very dramatic about her own stuff. It left little room for us kids. Your kid or the kid in you needs attention. SO PAY ATTENTION PLEASE. Put down the electronics, and go for a long walk and talk. Sing together, dance, laugh out loud, and listen, really listen. They when full, will then pay attention to you too. It is truly a win-win. Be the center of attention for yourself, in light, love and laughter, then attend to another. It will be a great gift to us all. Namaste' Dr. Sioux/Su

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