Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Minimum requirement?

That's how some humans do it. A passing grade, a little effort, show up late, and then, leave early. I get this behavior in my health restoration work as well as other parts of my life. As a gambler, a risk taker, a believer - I always go MAX! Some people just want a MINIMUM requirement, and that's all they offer. YET...they demand maximum results. I have seen the blind see again, the malignant restored to harmony, the heavy made leaner and lighter, and the sad, angry, scared people, SMILE with hope. My friend is dreaming again, and telling me all about it! It was magnificent. Listen carefully to what I am about to reveal. LIKE CURES LIKE. LOOK IT UP! It is the truth. What you put in, you get back out! No more, NO LESS! If you have spent money, time, energy or anything else killing yourself, or those around you who are in your scatter pattern. STOP!! RIGHT NOW!! You are valuable, infinite and eternal. You have potential, and only you have to ability to access it. I can not, nor can any other. CHOICE is your divine right. SO, if you are sick of sick, go all in. MAX potential will give MAX result. That's all you need to know. Namaste' Dr. Su

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