Sunday, December 1, 2019


Memory, in the muscle it is mobile and fluid, in the bone it is accessible, in the tooth, the chips you came to play. Micro-chips of ancient memory. I play with these chips in my work and in my play. I teach teeth. I know the past has passed when the tooth gives way. I see it's lesson, leave in the winds of change. That wind and that light, that comes and goes in the lives of humans here. I help release that energy in the ether and back to the Source. So much lost when no one remains to help decipher the chips. Into the wind it goes, and no one knows, and questions of who you are and what you came to do, go unanswered. Lost. Today, look to the chips you have left to play with. Are they strong and pulsing with light and energy, can you nourish them with your body, your mind and your spirit? It is the smile that tells us who you are, the light that beams from your face and the words and songs from your mouth that tell us of your being. If the past is passed, leave it there. Find today in the chips you still have, and BE the best YOU, you remember how to be. Then smile and tell the world the gift you came to give, it is the season of giving, GIVE!

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