Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin, who belongs here?

In the dawn of 20 years here, I remember. I remember why I bought a corn field and some horses. I remember why I build a little clinic and a large arena. I remember why after 8 years, I decided to build a log house and move here for good. It was for the children. I love kids, I believe in their stories and their glories and the RIGHTS and yes, their lefts too. I have worked with human's who have special needs, health problems, been in prison, addicted, abused sexually, emotionally, physically and spiritually, poverty and inner city dwellers. I have seen miracles here in the lives of so many. Health, happiness and horses became my banner. I still carry it high and proud. My oldest daughter Jessie Syfko Ruof will be a mom soon. Her birthday is tomorrow, and I remember. It was children, mine and those of others too, that I came here for, to help, to support, to teach, and most importantly to believe. To remember fun, freedom, laughter and light. Acceptance and unconditional love were all I had to offer at first. The child in me and the child in all of us deserve our ranch~ Happy Birthday Jessie Su! Because of you, I am Dr. Su.

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