Friday, August 16, 2019

the TRUTH is the strongest

All words have energy. YOU CAN NOT unshoot the arrow that your words project. PERIOD. Sometimes forgiveness is not even available, especially for the loss of truth. Those silent times are sometimes worse then those deadly words. In faking it with silence, or being just plain DUMB, it makes you as lost and lonely and disconnected as you can get here. Everyone knows everything, on some level. Dogs do. they sense it, and hackles go up. They can hear/here unspoken words. They can smell them too. You can too, and your kids can do it even better then you can. SO today, open up to your words. Words of love, of encouragement, of light, of potential. Then see who is still around when the silence is over. Truth, nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME........GOD and all the other higher beings who have my back!

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