Monday, December 30, 2019

Upside down YOGA!

I teach yoga, I have for years. YOGA - WHY? I explain what happens in each posture, with each breath, to you and to the group. People need to know what they are doing, to be willing to try and ultimately succeed. I see energy, so in that class, you benefit from my vision of you. IF YOU ASK ME TO TELL YOU WHAT I SEE I WILL. Other wise I just do the teaching. I teach YOGA on horseback, on paddle boards, and now I am going up side down with it. I do inverted yoga on a swing, but today I bought a hammock and trapeze for ultimate CIRCUS YOGA! I have really only one rule that never ends. If it is not fun, I do not keep doing it. YOGA is fun for me, sharing my blog with you is fun for me too. Now I will share the view from UPSIDE DOWN, as the fields merge in all directions. Look to the Star of David, that energy is spinning in both directions. Allow it to inspire you, take a breath, try something fun! 2020 is a clear view to a new and better and very loved YOU! See it from all angles, and say THANK YOU SOURCE for allowing me to this new alignment of life here. I really promise to appreciate it and that is good enough. Happy New Year, I love you all, Dr. Sioux/Su

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