Thursday, November 14, 2019

Matters everything matters

A book I love - Behaving as if the GOD in all things matters - Michelle Small Wright, changed me forever a long long time ago. I knew I mattered, I knew you mattered too. As a child it was in the eyes of strangers that I knew I mattered most. They saw me, spoke to me in a way my family could not. They had the same telegraphing energy as animals and water did. I could see it, feel it, and I LOVED it. I mattered to a larger vision of family, an earth family of color, creed, and different design. I could see a particle of light in a cold dark corner and I was drawn to it. I would tenderly try to add in my light, my laugh, my song, but sometimes it did not take. Other times, it was all the spark that mattered! YOU MATTER! I MATTER! All matter in the eyes/I's of Creator.
The tiny fairy of Hawk's Ridge Ranch matters, and she shines in the light of being loved and seen/scene here.

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