Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What's good, light and makes you smile....

What you see and say is what you energize. If you see and say, loss, it will become loss. If you see and say healing, it will become healing. It is the power of the human to control the outcome. Miracles are that power used with faith in things you have a difficult time seeing. I believe this is a great gift we sometimes forget to open and play with. You are a field of light, like a bulb or a candle. YOU send energy. NONE can send it for you. Some can suck yours up, if you allow it. But none can take you free will, which is the breath of light and life. The body is the holder, a beautiful magical animated holder of air and water and electricity and will. YOU are those highly energetic parts, and what you do with them is a miracle all onto itself. See and say, in a big way, what you love and desire, and it becomes solid and right in front of you! Have fun!

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