Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Is your life a calling, or is a calling your life?

Mine is the second one. Normal to me, is just a setting on a dryer. I do not live normally, nor do I ever aspire to. I learned that my calling was my life here. I have heard it since I was a child. Like a HAWK in the sky, from far up, the call was always being received. I taught my daughters to listen to their own calling, not mine. I teach my clients the same listening skill. You have a body, it has a voice. It is not your voice, but the voice of the vehicle you currently are moving around in. Learn to here/hear that call. Sometimes it gets loud, and will shout if it needs too. I do not like to be shouted at, so I listen every day. Meditation is key for being quiet and attentive to my self and my body, and yes, that calling I always here/hear. Decide, then listen, everyone gets called up, be ready to here/hear that beautiful voice.

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