Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Who is a player? I am that I am, my Authentic Self revealed.

I am a player. A Sagittarius Sun and Moon, living large with Jupiterian enthusiasm. I love to play, I always have. I live to love to play here.  It doesn't matter with who or how, just that I do. I have scanned the crowd for a playmate since I could see. My mother knew if I was gone, I had found a friend and was having fun. I knew that that was my gift and that it still is. I am also good at sharing. Others knew that about me too. Some enjoyed it, others took advantage. I can get up and go with the joy of spontaneous energy and I love that.  I can let certain things wait until I return, knowing they would be ok without me. I can hit the slopes, the open trail, the game tables or just the back yard and play until I need a nap. When I do that, I am healthy, happy and whole. My success is the end result of knowing how I am and using it for the good of me and anyone else who likes to play. I have a horse ranch, a chicken farm, a dog pack, and more kitties than an old maid. I have a beach, open trails, and a hankering to ski to work every day, and I do when I can. I am authentic, I am me.  I am a cowgirl and an Indian too. How about you, who are you and are you being true to you? We are all each a part of  the I am that I am. A unique aspect of a great and glorious presence here. I am the player, who are YOU?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Mother load is here now

So the Commisioner of the NFL says if 10% of the mothers in America don't let their sons play football, the game is over. I thought about Mothers who would step up and say no, my child will not be battered and ultimately SHATTERED, this way. If the mothers of earth would defend their children, there would be no war here either. Healthy happy whole mothers by nature will not sacrifice their children for an agenda not from the heart. Front lines would be filled the brilliant peacemakers, and dreamers and thinkers of solutions. Energy, force, courage, strength and it's magnificence would be put to uses that we could use for all time, not for clean up and burial later. Early death of our finest athletes is crazy to me. Dying scared from brain function loss due to CTE is  a crucifixion  really, since the suffering it demsonstrates with the horror of it, is seen by others and lasts a long time. Mothers are moving into position now. Authority is being returned to the feminine energy. It is taking it's rightful place in balance and it will be heard. Enough is enough. It is time now, our children are our legacy, they are precious and the greatest gift we receive. It is our sovereign duty to protect, educate and inspire them to make this world well and restore bliss here. Pay attention here, this is a final key. It opens the door to the new age, and I, for one, am stepping through. See you there.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Loyal, it is not just for dogs

My friend posted a beautiful perspective on  what it is like to have a loyal and loving relationship. It took my breath away. He has spent a lifetime finding this truth. I have watched him since he was a little boy. Honest and authentic and putting someone right in that space with you is his conclusion. I am so proud that there are those out there who do not give up on this part of their journey. Many are alone because their loyalty was to something other than love, or light. Loyal to their anger or their fears or their addictions to choices that keep them seperate. Secrets, lies, adrenaline rushes, competitions, battles, putting them out of the balance range that a true loyal and loving human deserves or loves. Entitled to a life alone, is how many have decided it goes from here. Sad, humans need community, communion and common purpose. Their is no entitlement here, we are all the same. Loyal to one another for the love that is in the heart must find it's place. Quickly throwing someone under the bus for something less and then feeling sad because the loyalty card was not played needs to stop.  I have been loyal and know that even when it gets tough you still love in spite of that. I am proud of that ability, even after the dust settles. Our journey ends with those who were loyal and loving, trotting off together to  celebrate the victory!!! Don't give up, it is a real way of living, I promise. The Great Mystery has been loyal to us humans all along, never giving up  and sometimes I wonder WHY, when we are such a challenge. And then I hear/here the response, because I love you, I smile and say I love you too. Loyal to the end.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Yesterday I saw the movie and felt the IMPACT! I sat next to Dr. Matt, former running back extraordinaire and listened to his fears. The not knowing. When it should have been the NO-ing! I lived with that fear in my hockey player, who would say, I have lost my thoughts, my words......I am afraid of what all that damage did to my head. I better have a drink and then he would drink the whole bottle. Putting our kids in the arena and cheering wildly when they smash each other to smithereens is simply encouraging early death by torture. Iron Mike died tortured for your entertainment at the age of 50. The movie showed real life situations where this was a GAME Changer for most of the players!! I have said that we will look back at this last hundred years and say it has been the MOST barbaric of all time. This is just one way we have hurt our children.  And a new day, and a new way of love, respect, honor and yes, competition will emerge. I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Remember......ME TOO?

Where do you fit in and with WHO? How many times have you said - ME TOO? Our first cat was named ME-TOO. She came with another cat named Sophie. Me-too was the little one, the black one, the one that was hard to see, distant and guarded. And she wanted to be with us too. Period. She wasn't taking no for an answer either. They were a set, a team, they had been together a long time and if Sophie got a home, she would have a home too. So she came along too even though I might have missed seeing her at first. I see this in people all the time. From behind another they will say, ME TOO? Can I come, am I invited, included, even considered. I am a more the merrier person, the fishes and bread loaves believer. I know that there is room for us all. I never say never. I don't care if you come with not much to offer, just come. Our world is shifting and for those who feel left behind or left out or out in left field. YA! YOU TOO!! The community we are building now is to save this world, and all hands on deck please. Time to stand up and shout ME-TOO!, be counted and be a part of the new family we are forming. Our turn to offer and YOU TOO, are invited.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Just make a decision now

I watch people vaccilate. Back and forth, never really deciding on anything at all. I have seen it in my practice for decades. I witness the early demise of those who were taught and knew it was true and just couldn't get the job done. They often seem half awake,only half able to get something done. It is why long ago I decided not to take clients that someone else decided should come. If they did not choose, neither would I. The first thing to do is to just decide. If it makes you smile, show up, curious, or enthused, just do it. If you do and it is not what you thought, start again and do something different. It is how we win here, we choose it.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Be golden now

I have worn a golden cape for years and years. I love it, it looks and feels great. And I can take it off whenever I want to. Just recently  I was given a golden horse named Hawk and he matches that cape perfectly. He is powerful, beautiful and masculine. Before now I spent lifetimes living in and with silver. The feminine energy. I resisted gold, the masculine just because. Then I started my shift and moved toward balance. First, I got a gold ring with diamonds in it and it FIT! I knew I was moving toward the center finally and I could accept that. Then my daughter and her husband gave me a gold necklace and it fit too! As a female, I needed to break alot of rules to demonstrate to myself that I COULD. I could be bright, strong, healthy,daring, energetic, attractive, enthusiastic, graceful, forgiving, happy, fun and productive and very brave. Then I was to show integrity and accountability with all of those things in place. I took that task very seriously. I focused, I performed, I went out on a limb again and again, I invited issues and challenges into my life over and over, and in the end, when the limb broke. I flew!! That is my golden moment! Today we align with a universal flow that is so powerful that nothing here can block it or even shift it in any other direction. Aligning SUN and MOON together, flowing in powerfully as ONE beam of LIGHT!! Own it! You waited a very long time for this, enjoy!! We are golden!!!! I am and you are too!! Welcome to the age of Unity!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Changing weather/whether or not you are ready

Whether or not you want to, you and I are changing. Weather changes are bringing in solar wind, magnetic hits, and our sun/son is shining a brighter light and bringing the heat. You are being peeled back in this new energy and the pink of you is being revealed for all to see. Many have long awaited this rebirth,prayed for it. Others are still resisting and being wasted as it passes them by for the last time. The new energy only applies to those who have asked and prepared for the answer. I have read much text, and I know you know that what I say has been presented to you in each set of books over thousands of years. I know the time is NOW. As you reveal the real you, you will be presented. A gift to self and then to  our world.  For the UNITY of us all depends on you and your presence. know  what I know. All is as it was told. Weather/whether or not, it is finished. Namaste'

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How much are you willing to forgive and forget forever?

I have always said this time in the history of humanity has been the most barbaric of all time. I know, I was here. I have seen it all. If you do not remember, check the archives or the akashic records, it is there, recorded. I live on the oldest undisturbed akash this world has, the limestone of the St. Croix River Valley. No breaks here, not for a very long time, just layer after layer of life recorded on earth in the mineral of her memory. It is a wonderful library for those hearty souls interested in the whole story. In the memory of each of us are those thoughts, words and deeds that still need to heal in the mercy needed by allowing and inviting the gift of forgiveness. We will not move one step forward until we balance the scale of less, lack and loss of love with forgiveness. So like Santa, make a list, check it twice. Remember the details one last time. Then remember that you only experience those things that you have experienced once or more in your own life. Is there judgement, abuse, criticism, anger, fear, untruth, sadness, or anything else that takes away the joy of life here. I have peeled away the layers again and again,  and when it hurts I stop for a moment and wait for a shot of bravery or truth or help from outside myself. Then feeling loved and whole by a power greater than my own, I begin again. All I can say is that it is going to make a great story and wonderful book! Cuz in the end the good guys win and love is restored and life begins again with  a love not known ever before on this crazy planet. So in the spirit of the season and a renewal of your vision of what to do and who you really are - please forgive us all, and forget about it and make a move toward the light and the truth that love is all there is and in the end, it is all that you will take when you go. Namaste'

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A letter from the passed/past

She said she was sorry she blamed me. She said she should have kept closer ties with her son. She asked me for forgiveness. She was thinking long and hard about a lifetime of toxic behaviors, and a lifetime of misunderstanding.  Willing to look at your part in the mess? Know your world, your choices, close in sometimes the worst of all. The family member who is a predator, emotionally or spiritually or physically or sexually.  The bully, the abused becoming the abuser. The neighbor, the priest, the coach, or anyone else who saw the weak and neglected and preyed on the them. Wake up, take this personally and seriously, talk about it and own your part in the hurt, the loss, the pain of the addiction that results from trauma. Parents be with YOUR own kids. Watch them closely, love them, teach them to speak up and truthfully, even if it makes a mess. No more suicides or traumas from this issue please. And for the Mother who wrote me, I accept your apology. Now forgive yourself.

Monday, December 21, 2015

So do the math

We had a gathering here yesterday  to celebrate our world, our connection, the solstice and my birthday too. I said I would bring my incredible horses to the party, all 12 of them, and I did. I said this would be their first ceremony in this arena as a whole group and I looked forward to seeing the magic. I then counted those who came to drum and sing, and there were 12 people. A perfect match!! I smiled. Do the math. 12 times 12 equals 144. I belong to the 144 group and my first conscious memory of my affiliation to them was with the original 24 seated  together long ago. We knew what our mission was then and have now finally finished it together. So everything comes full circle. I smile and thank the Great Mystery for doing the math, always doing the math!! We are grateful that this too, has come to pass and all is well in our world. We are greatly blessed and pleased. It all adds up to light, love and laughter too here now forever. Namaste' and Happy solstice to us all, tomorrow the light returns to Wisconsin and I for one love that.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Who GETS you now????

I always wondered  why so few GOT me. My own mom did not get me. Certainly my preachers and teachers did not get me either. My bosses rarely got me, so I became my own boss a long time ago. My sisters don't get me but my brother does some. I would dream of the ONE who would come, and he would understand. He would be passionate about the same things. He would love what I love. He would see my work as valuable, my hobbies as fun and my LIFE, extra ordinary. Then he would GET me, forever. I know as I come into my 58th birthday I am looking back as we all do before our next anniversary of being human. And the lack of getting me is still the most challenging part of my staying here. My friend Matt said, and this really helped, you are not one in a million, you, my friend, are ONE OF A KIND. I smiled, he gets me. My job here is not common, my duties very different than most, my energy and passion for delivery big  and never failing. My love of life, all life here, true and strong. The weakest, meekest, sickest and most broken or left out, my very favorites.And they GET me. I am a spirit walker, both worlds totally within my reach. I share what I know, see and bring freely to those who need to know and ask. I don't go knocking, I never have. I know as move to celebrate that after all these trials and tribulations, I GET ME! and in truth, that is all that matters now. Behaving as if the GOD in us all MATTERS! GET IT? You will, I have, and in the end it will be all of us getting one another. Namaste', here's to Oneness.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Belief, the burden of hope

Faith is the belief in things unseen. It is discussed in context with a higher vision of our soul and it's life here  while on earth. It is a way of looking and listening to the whispers and shimmers of light that serve us so well and give us goosebumps and shivers. It is the choice that fuels hope, especially when there is little left. Our world has become hope-less by a lack of faith and the loss of love. Faith in self, in love, in each other, in the greater good, in the magic it takes to change things, in miracles and that in the end all will be revealed, is key. I know that my faith is my most powerful strength, it is unwavering in it's knowing of what is true and right for me. My love of life and helping it flourish with nature's help, my passion. My hope, my greatest stretch, my hardest job, my achilles' heel. In the darkest most hidden corner I see light, a tiny flicker and I head for it. This drives my family nuts. They say that I should leave well enough alone, and stop trying so hard and looking so low. I should look to those at my level or above. I just do not do that naturally. I knew that once long ago someone believed in me, mess that I was. The faith he showed in me restored my hope, then my health and my vision for helping here. So I will be that person for others for as a pay back for that love and support. Faith, hope and love, that is what I will work with and on, and that is good enough. Thank you for loving me Great Mystery, and tell my mentors and ancestors who sit with you now, I know how much they love me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Do you hear what I hear?

They who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who could not hear/here the music. My friend plays the flute when he is in a good place. I love it. It makes my heart sing! My dance is on!! Others close to him hate it, they think it's stupid and are very disrespectful of his gift. I am aware that he is greatly influenced by those opinions. People are looking for a place to fit in, where they are accepted for the unique ways they love to be and share. Unconditional is yet a hope here.  A dream really.Yet it is quietly taking it's place in the feminine energy we are receiving. Mother love, is that song, that music, that energy. Nurturing the souls of humanity is ferious and dynamic, supportive and unconditional. I know, I am that mother. I do not care what you do, only why and how and that you are totally accountable for every detail of what you do. Listen now, we mothers are talking, and letting you hear/here us, is what you will be doing now for awhile. Soon you will dance too as the music of the mother's song plays in your heart! It is what we have waited for. Thank you Great Mystery for that gift!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Still learning.....

When I am done listening and learning I will leave. Until then I continue to pay attention. Sitting quietly and listening and watching has been a life long  ver challenging lesson for me. I am generally in a bit of a hurry cane/hurricane. More like a Tsunami, Dr. Tsunami they call me, yet a hurrier too. Allowing the whole to finish their words, their thoughts, their ideas, is not what comes easily to me, so I am still learning to pause.  I listened to the video before this post with Russell Means and his wife, and saw what the allowance, the pause looked like in real time. I am still learning that. He is gone now, and she will continue for the time being. Yet knowing they both paused often enough to create and share a loving relationship is inspiring. See, I am still learning.

Russell Means Final Interview - The Sacred Feminine and Gender Roles

Monday, December 14, 2015

Count on us

I see kids here with the look of the wild eyed child. They scan the crowd quickly, then again to see if there is someone there they can count a friend, an advocate, an uncondtional love person.  Can I count on you their eyes say? Then unanswered, they drop their eyes sooner and sooner, rather than later, when there is no one to find. I listened the Queen song, Someone to love and thought of those people. Those children of all ages who have gone along alone because there was no one to count on. Falling into the cracks of darkness as no one helps them keep their lights lit so that they can find their way. One way to remedy this is to make eye contact with them. Do not look away, smile back at them. Say with your eyes, your smile or even your words and actions, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME, I AM ALL IN AND I WILL DO WHATEVER I CAN TO HELP,  TO SUPPORT YOU.  It is TIME to be the one that can be counted on. No more looking away, pretending you don't see the need. Be the ONE you looked for as a child. The trusted, the honest, the loyal, the willing one will stand up and be counted on now. Time for us all to be able to count on us all! Do not leave it for someone else to do. Let's all do this together.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


it is time for the party to start, cake is on the way!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

New moon - deep roots

I am a bird on a perch. I sit up top as a Sagittarian, and look at the big picture always. It swirls and radiates in colour, and texture and geometry. I know which energy attracts my attention. I have been drawn my whole life to the light that creates that energy and those patterns. I also have a deep connection to the dark too. It comes strongly in to play in our experiences here and generates much response. It can cause drama, trauma or loss. It creates, without light and truth, decay and death. I know the story well, I saw it first when I was two and watched my father pass away from his body. It was life changing. It also became a great gift, the sight of a seer can help in many ways. I use to shine a light on health options. I have deep roots to this world, although the were nearly severed that day my father left. My children have made that so. On our new moon, I asked for some support from the Universe at large. I was supported with love, connection and abundance. Then asked to continue my work here for now. Today is a gateway, 12-12-2015 to a new deeply rooted connection to the next phase of humanity. Ask, and I promise, you will be heard and answered!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Unencumbered by reality

That is my life, my view of things, and always the basis for the way I live. I know that is good and true for me. I am the hopelessly hopeful character willing to look up and step forward all at the same time. It is the stuff that I am made of. It has gifted me with a job that I adore, a family that makes me smile and lifestyle that is a forever adventure of critters and kids and being in nature all of the time. On this new moon, look up at the clear blue sky and see NO LIMITS! It is the next chapter for earth. The clearing is now and I for one, strongly suggest that you align, allow and appreciate this. I, along with the loves of my heart, went to the Crater and prayed for this day. Thank you Mother/ Father Great Mystery for a life unencumbered by reality, it is something special and yes, it will make a great tale to share. Namaste Earth!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Who's family is yours

I have been close to many families in this lifetime. Some were warm, some were cold. I took a friend to dinner with my  family the other day and later he said to me, your family is really warm, and fun, and you are blessed. I know my family is a blessing. I learned  that to receive that blessing, I had to be that blessing. I am front and center when I am in a family, honest and willing. I am noisy and energetic and filled with enthusiasm. And I sing alot.  I am not always tactful, yet always truthful. I know a healthy future and long and happy life is all about families. There will be lines forming now to the family of your dreams. Your vision will become your real life. Decide who you want to have share your life with you and enjoy. Families rock! And yes, we are all going to have one now. Lonely days and nights, gone now from our world. Hello brothers and sisters from other mothers!

12 step program 13th coming in now!

I know human's struggle. It is a full time job for many. That is the 12 step program. Believing in less, lack or loss  and powerlessness over it, is the basis. Believing in life after life, faith, hope and love, now that gets this party started and keeps it eternal. Returning to FULL POWER is key! Knowing that, I live for life here. I teach wholeness, accountability, and think fun is a prime reason to be alive. I teach nature, nurture and nourishment as one solution to the pain. I also know when the fun stops, it is best to change direction. The 12 frequencies or steps we use to be in the world are about to get an upgrade. I will call it the 13th frequency or step, a new clear channel of free energy, unconditional love, whole health, 2nd sight and higher calling. It is streaming now. It blew the railing off my upper deck yesterday and showed me the opening to connect to the stairway to heaven I am now going to have here. It also will give me a place to build the stair case to the ground and a reconnection with the earth and her children. It has been quite the adventure.  The Angel hawk is about to fly. My job here about to shift. My 58th year ends next Sunday on the 20th of December and the 13th channel should provide me with lots of new ideas and entertainment. Stay tuned, it is coming your way too. And this looks like more fun than ever, Thank you Creator, it has been a good run. I am looking forward to the new age!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

SPEAK UP or lie down

Truth raises the vibe!! Lighting up the whole room, raises the vibe!! Lying, takes you to your grave. Dark hidden places in your body become malignant. It is the truth, the light, the exposure to the sun/son that clear up the confusion that creates dis-ease. I see it with spirituality, sexuality, ability, and all of that energy expression. Being in ONE corner only,  in exclusivity, creates darkness in the other corners of your life and it's expression is closed down on every level. Move to the center, the middle of the four directions within the Medicine Wheel. Become ONE with all things, no judgement. Then feel how that feels. Step out and up and expand your light to the whole. WARM UP, LIGHTEN UP. Then balance it out. When you are in the center of your own life, which, by the way, is your heart, which is green on the front and pink on the back, you can share with the rest of us. Namaste'. Truth is, in the end, all you will have, so speak it now and live and love and laugh out loud. Secrets are over, the light is here. WE ALL SEE everything.

SKIN in the game

Life here is a game. A giant crap shoot really. A gamble, a risk, an adventure of huge potential. I heard the term, SKIN IN THE GAME recently. I like it. Bystanders are every where, toe dippers too. Drama queens and kings and the like, stirring up the bottom of the bottle or barrel or food chain, depending on their need to demand attention and anesthestic all at the same time or control your game with that. Rebels -Indigos, Crystals and Rainbow Warriors are sick of the old matrix, which upsets our balance, our ability to create and live in unity and peace. Notice I did not say PERFECTION,  that is not an option here, PROGESS is the game. The ladder of ascension, DNA, the road to Creator the Great Mystery. I want to play with those who have SKIN in the game.  Human ability and presence and passion, in THIS game. Accountability, effort, intention and yes love. I have attracted investors, but not really anyone with skin in the game the way I want to play. I am a double Jupiter, I play big, then I go home, win or lose. I know that seems different, yet for me it is all in. Always was. I have never let up until now. I guess it is a new game. I guess I will have to decide again, if I am going to play, cuz if I do I will have skin in the game. How about you? All in or going home?? You decide.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Nature, nuture, nourish

I love to  watch and listen and then write it out. I do that exercise daily. I get so excited that keeping quiet is really challenging. This Blog gives  me a vent for that excitment. Everyone needs a vent. The steam we build up with our energy within, needs a healthy source of expression. I choose to express mine in nature. That is why I have a horse ranch. The land and animals match my energy, big, powerful and expressive. The nature here gives me healthy purpose. Nurturing my nature, which is not only ME but this ranch too, gives me joy, connection, love unconditional and awe. It also demands my presence and accountability. Nothing less will do.  Nourishing them, nourishes me. The energy I provide, provides me back in spades. I see it in the mirror of Hawk's Ridge Ranch. The nature that nourishs me as I nurture and nourish it. GOT IT?? Find something in nature, natural and living and organic that you  can nurture and nourish. What you put out comes back ten times stronger, and YUP, that is magic.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The privilege of being human

Some think it is a gift, I certainly do. Some do not. Some know that knowing the things we do is a privilege. I certainly do. I know the privileges of being human are amazing. Angels honor our privilege of this life in body. It gives us so much. Our body, mind, vision, and of course adrenaline and heart rate. It gives us connection on all those levels to self, then to one another. Today, think of the privileges you have earned here. Embrace them all. It is  not  just for the elite, it is for us all willing to put in the time and effort. I am a privileged TI customer, meaning that when I go and play, there is nothing they will not do for me. I paid for that privilege and I love it! I have also paid dearly for other privileges as well. You are a privilege to me, knowing you, sharing with you, and loving that you are in my life. That is a privilege I honor and respect and enjoy too. It is a privilege to serve, to share, to be present in a loving joyful way. Enjoy the privileges, it is Sunday Funday, and they are every where.

Edify all that you wish to create in your life - words count

I see the response or rection to words of love, praise, adoration and even inquistition. I know how I am under the influence of such creative energy. In the beginning, there was the WORD. That may very well be the most important verse of the Bible. I believe words create. I create health, happiness and horses with words  of enthusiasm, joy and a willingness to share. I create every single detail of my reality with my self talk - inner and outer. I know that if I project a word, it's truth is mine and mine alone to bear. Others may pick up on it and own it too, so I try my hardest to project positivity. I also block the words of less, lack and loss that I hear here with my whole being and being whole, and being secure in my own words. Today, edify YOURSELF. Choose 12 things you love about you and say them, draw them, write them and if you have someone you love, share them. This is the key to the doorway of the shift. A simple key, a big door and words of  self-love that are going move you through to the new you.

My words.....
Mr. Bojangles
and of course    HAWK!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

We must all be little bit crazy

I know I can be. I think sometimes that this planet takes too much work to stay aboard. I see the drama and the illness and imbalance and wonder how that all happened. I know we choose it and yet, we sometimes do we not get over it? I have chosen a variety of experiences, and I also know that without them I would know what I know. I always say this, do not talk to me unless you have first hand knowledge of what you are speaking of. No guesses, no sales, to promoting someone else's agenda. I know that is crazy for sure. I am a little crazy but not that way.  I know that  crazy is one of my attributes, not a burden at all. I am a double sun and moon sagittarius, there is no more to say. Optimistic, direct and full of life, I am who I am and being grateful for my life here is all I need to do now. Even if it looks crazy, it is all good. Love your life, your choice, crazy?? I think not.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Real-Eyes - did you know there are three????

Our pineal glad is that third eye. It floats behind your forehead and it is a supersensory device. I cover mine when I am in high energy places with a headband just like I wear glasses in the wind to protect my other two eyes when I am on the back of my Harley. I have had access to my third eye for a long time since I gave up flouride and mercury filled spit. It is an awesome ability and gives me a vision unlike the two eyed version of me had. I know you are all learning to access your third eye now, because I am familiar to you. Some say, hey, don't I know you?? And I see that third recognizing me from another place and time, and simply smile and say hello again. Use it now as it begins to connect to your other eyes. It will seem a little strange at first as you begin to see auras and energy hidden from view before now. It is ok. Say this, please stand in the light and let me see the whole honest authentic YOU, and then GO from there. It is an awesome day for us all, no more secrets or hidden behaviors of deception. Congrats world, we are on our way to Unity!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

In the larger reality............

you are destined to succeed. What does that feel like? Many have not decided yet. Success has so many steps in it's unending ladder. I see it every day with each step I take. Some think it's money, or reputation, or relational or physical appearance. Some think it's inner peace or creativity or persuasiveness. It is all of those things. Maybe just not in that order. Growth means you are successful, so just start there. Roots are needed to nourish growth, and offer strength, then you can pursue the sparkling balls that enchant you along the way. With roots you sink in to
 will never fall over the cliff, when the ball keeps your attention on IT. Next there is pride and accountability for actions. That is awesome success on so many levels. No secrets there, no unwillingness either. Just a straight look in the eye, a firm handshake and a square set of the shoulders is a good start to pride and self-respect. With those steps being accomplished all in order and with confidence - you can then real-eyes/realize your true purpose! cool huh?? Love this, and if you skipped a step, go back down and take the journey again and this time not skip a beat and you will real-eyes YOU!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Birthday month - December - my best time

My knowing becomes very clear in December. I know to re-view before the date of my birth to restore what is mine. It gives me great  joy and also PAUSE every year I do that. My arrival date is the 20th and so from now till then I will offer insights to that re-view of Su/Sioux. My heritage woke me early today and asked to chat. I watched a video, read my history, saw pictures of my past family including me in the 1800's, and cried at the loss and smiled at the familiarities. I saw those faces, and know those names, my memories are strong and very clear. I am in this lifetime in the healing arts, a natural in every way. Becoming a Naturopath was simply a reincarnation of lifetimes of natural knowing and living. My life on my ranch is also a big part of my knowing, horses, log houses, wood fires and endless vistas of green grass are my history too. I know who I was and where I lived and what I accomplished and how it makes me ME. Many of you do too, although maybe only in your dreams or hobbies or deja vues. Honor your past, forgive the pieces that caused trauma and loss. I know that is the key to our future here. Never forget, but never repeat the pain!! Happy birthday month to me! Looks like 58 is going to be something very special!

Lakota - The Star People ( 2015 ) * A Message For All Of Humanity *

Lakota History: American Disgrace

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ascension has begun

All of our lives here we ask, we pray, we cry, we demand, we self destruct, we we we all the way home. Well, we are home now. Our prayers have been answered. It is the time of light, of ascension and I am grateful. My partner called  me crazy, he would say I do not get it. I would say, just hold on for a minute longer and you will. The old stories are being revealed as lies. The truth shall set you free is the new story. In the light, in the wide open, in the clearing and truth of love only, the new age begins. We went to the crater two months ago and asked for clearing. It began. Now two months later it is nearly over. Light is every where, love and hope are being restored. Purpose is the new age, and for the gift of life, and the opportunity to do what I love to do, I am honored, blessed and frankly, glad it has now begun. Thank you Mother/Father God and all the beings who stood with me, in light and in dark. It was one crazy 100,000 years. Contract complete.

Monday, November 30, 2015


It is the transition when this reality no longer serves the soul. Sometimes is comes slowly and with some regrets, other times it is painless and in the wink of an eye. Either way it is chosen by the soul. The entry and parentage is also chosen by the soul. There is nothing random or happenstance in the beautiful universe or on this crazy world. There are reasons and seasons for all things, ALL THINGS!! I have seen it up close and personal many times and I always smile and say, I will see you again on another sunny day. Let this find you peaceful and full of hope for a new day with a new way of living and loving. We are all blessed to be here and gratitude for the adventure is the only way to prolong it. Allow, align and appreciate and all will be well, any less is the doorway to the next world. Either way, it is all good.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

all in

what is that??? people say they are ALL IN, then they change. they back track, they mess up, they create a diversion or they say nothing and are gone in the wind. i see it with health practices. i say this will need your full attention, you will need to commit 28 days to a changed way, then decide how that went before you  can truly commit again. every lunar cycle we get another time out or leg up, which ever you need. it requires a full season, 90 days before your terrain changes. i have hurried too often and that is silly, and now i am just going to go all in for ME. and let the rest rest. time for a change and looking on the outside for the all in, when the all in should be on the inside is how i get to live it now!! are you all in with YOU? you must be, before you can go all in with me. then we can be all in together and make some progress finally.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Saying it to those who gave you something whether you knew how valuable it was or not, is how to replicate all that is given with love and light. Asked and answered again and again, then to forget to say thanks, wipes out the whole deal, and all the way to beginning you must go. Then start again with the lesson. Being grateful for my Interstistial Cystitis took me awhile. My mentor would ask me from time to time if I was there yet. At first I thought he was nuts. Or that he thought I was nuts. Who would be grateful to suffer in anyway??! Yet years of consideration brought me to that place one day. It came in the faces of my children. That the cruel disease had, in truth and light and changes that needed to be made, save my life, and their mom would be here for a long time. My wonderful co-mothers were not as lucky nor as long lived. I would accept that with gratitude over and over now. Even in the most stressful of times, be grateful. Somehow there is a gift of growth, of love, of truth and you will see it soon enough. Accept that all is YOUR reality, the rest of us are busy with our own creations. Say thanks, believe and receive, it is time for THANKSGIVING at the highest level. We are here now and that is good enough. Have an attitude of gratitude for all you have received and be the blessing you wish to receive today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

All in?

For me to restore my health, I had to go all in, change much and work my tail off. For me to be a Naturpathic Doctor I had to do all the course work and the internship and write my thesis, then learn lots of things I found boring. For us to help this world flip over and begin healing we have to be front and center, awake, grateful and all in. Anyone less, with less than the whole, can go home. This is not a luke warm, half hearted, or faint hearted endeavor. This is a learning and growing and being brave deal. This has never been done before. To recover our world from the brink of disaster we will all need to pitch in. This world will not come to you, you must come to it! It is not lip service we need nor excuses as to why not. It is not for the entitled. It is for the whole hearted. And for those willing to offer all they have to the solution, the rewards will be incredible. We are worth it!! So is this planet and her children. Welcome to the New Age! This is what we have all been waiting for, so show up and pitch in!! We need you!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Mothers, where are your children?

And fathers, where are your families???????? Our children need us now like never before. They are not safe here yet. They are prey to a world full of predators. Doctors, police, teachers and preachers in sheeps clothing are around every corner, xperimenting on your kids! Like ravenous beasts they take your sweet innocent children and take away their power. It is done many ways. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, one upmanship abuse, the illusion of the champion or the winner. We need us all now to keep vigil as our world shifts. Our children are our future and telling them the truth, forgiving yourself for your mistakes and starting fresh with them whatever age they are will help. I channel and today Mother Mary spoke along with White Buffalo Calf Woman and their message to me and all the mothers here was clear. Get yourself together now, let go and live together now free and peaceful. Be the guide and guardian of your children. Be brave, say no and if need be ask for help from other mothers. Be the mother you wish you would have had. And this will all turn out now, better and better.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

SPOTLIGHT the catholic authority exposed!

I have seen the movie now, and as a mom I am taken aback. Giving my child up to an authority or a neighbor or a relative, that sucks the eternal spirit from them, is to me unforgiveable. I will need to work on that one. These people knew their kids were being raped, again and again. A spirit so ripe and vital at such a young age is a powerful source of  unbridled energy. We see the loss in those little eyes. Stealing that energy by addicting them to sex, or drugs, or secrets, or alcohol, or pleasure, or threatening their very lives or the lives of those they love most, is again to me, UNFORGIVEABLE.  I heard a mother say in respect to her abused child, that although it was sad, she certainly did not want to see it in the local, Grand Forks, North Dakota paper.  Mothers know. They can not help it, and when they know, and deny it or try to keep it a secret, they become addicted too. Money, drugs, the church or whatever other thing they can bury their own guilt in, becomes their down fall and they shrivel up on the inside and break down. Please parents, pay attention!! If the hair goes up on your neck, you are being warned, take your child and leave!! The only way to stop this is to stand in light and say no, not now, not ever and leave that church, or that relationship or whatever it is that poses the threat. There is no shame in that, ever. And it is time now that truth sets us all free.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Jessie Ruof!

My daughter, the first one of two, is 33 today. I remember those days with great pride and tons of smiles, as the Universe in partnership with me, provided me with a companion. I took to her like a duck to water. She went every where I went, so did the dog Tucker. We had a Jeep and a car seat and a back pack and that was all I needed. Then we got skates, and skiis and whatever else we thought would be fun. We scoped out every park, beach, library and sometimes just the sandbox. I quit working when she showed up and I am so glad I did. We had breakfast together every single day and when she got to school I got to go back too and be a helper. I know the order in which the Universe works. It is always working. It is the receiver that chooses to receive. There are reasons, sub and super conscious for all that we have here. My reason for receiving my daughters was clear. I needed them! They changed my life,  their presence took the focus off loss and put it in growth. I became creative, energetic and willing to change, for their highest good was linked to mine. Some of the other moms I loved did not survive, I have. I owe that to these kids, who are now strong and beautiful women. Happy Birthday Jessie, you are one of a kind! I am grateful you chose me as your mom! I love you and your sister Carly and plan to stay play for a long time yet to come!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Write the Right

Up right, balanced and able to take it and still stand. That is the lesson. Standing right in your own light. Then sharing it with those curious. I am a lightworker. I am now a writer of light. That for me is right. It gives me balance, focus and eternal joy. It is the stories, that make great firestarters. Tell yourself your story. Journal your visions, your frustrations, your dreams too. I take people on trips all over the world, our next one is Puerta Vallarta for a week of yoga on the beach and baby whales. I will teach righting/writing. It serves two purposes. One for your eyes and a re-view from time to time. And after you are pure light, another eyes may benefit from your righting/writing.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Template 1 why I teach yoga and everything else that matters

How did your DENTIST die?

Mine died addicted, depressed, and super toxic. He left behind a family that I loved. I did not know as a child the troubles he had. He was a nice man. I learned later of the trauma and drama and know how his toxic job destroyed so much of what he desired. My friend is still injured by her father's addictions and the scars are still there. I do not think this is OK. I know you know this story too. Speak up!! Speak out, put an end to this toxic mess! I am.

health FOR FREE ??

Yup, it is free, was always meant to be. Then we descended into told, then sold and then it's failure was insured and that is how it ! Are you caught in the loop?? Lots of people are going round and round within this structure that attaches to you like a leech and sucks you dry and leaves you empty in every way. Funny NO! As a child you learned to touch the hot iron. HOW? You probably touched it ONCE! I see this with vaccine reactions with kids saying in their own little health ways and feelings way OUCH! Don't do that to me, it makes me sick, or scared, or crazy or injured. You know when your kid is hurt, it makes you hurt inside too. Then someone tells you and sells you again and down the rabbit hole you go. My thoughts on whole health are simple, they are divine and a real gift. To think less is to doubt the Giver of Life and give in to the seller of loss and less and lack, of drugs and chemicals and fear and pain. I teach wellness, I use lots of tools. So today how about TEA and HERBS. Let's start with that. Simple, available and affordable too. Look it up or come on over and we can chat about them.  Maybe take a pony ride or sit in the kitchen. Love and light to you all, I am off to to the barn.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


In my meditation I saw the Eagle, so I stepped outside and looked up and there he was. Up in the sky with the light of the sun for his bright head, wings stretched out and tail fanning over the land. I  smiled, my imaging of things is well known. I am a seer. In this picture I snapped, can you see the EAGLE? I see pictures all the time, hidden to some, obvious to others. Some people love me for my sight, others less so. It is what it is. Gifts, we all have them. This is one of mine, what are yours?? Are you using it for your highest GOOD? I sure am.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11-11-2015 Miracles!!!!

Here I was 11-11-2011 with my daughters doing a meditation in Mexico. As I lightened up, I started to ascend and it was captured on a photo. The Jacob's ladder of ascension is ever present. We come and go lifetime after lifetime. I often wonder why we take it so hard when the process is used and the human goes upstairs again. In this moment my daughters said stay a while longer please, there are some human events coming up you will enjoy and I agreed then got back in to my body. I leave often, in dreams and meditations. Death is simply leaving the vehicle completely and returning her to her mother, the earth. It just is how we do it here. Four years later I look back and see I did a good thing by staying. Today we offer a new moon that heals much of what has been hidden. It is day to reconcile. Let the past pass with grace. Use mercy and forgiveness on your stuff, it will grease the wheels of our healing. Progress not perfection that what Scott always says. Enjoy the holiday, the new moon and the miracles this offers. They are happening everywhere, snap a photo and see for yourself!  We are magic! Namaste' Dr. Su

Sunday, November 8, 2015


I dream, write, draw and talk - non stop. I just do. When I need a time out if I do not take one, one is given to me. It is so funny how the Universe has so much say in my world. It lays me down, to rest, to sleep, to see things that I can not see in real time. It does that for us all. Time outs are attracted by those who need one. I have a ranch, a clinic, and I live in and with nature in a log house heated by fire and surrounded by organic pastures. I eat well, sleep quietly, live simply and love my life on this planet. I know what it takes to recover from dis-ease. I did it long ago and share my experience, education and passion for health and happiness every day of my life. I use nature, especially animals to assist me. I know that the love we share makes me strong, focused and ensures that my recovery continues. I share them with autistic people, addicted people, sad people and trapped people. I show how nature supports us beautifully by mounting you up on the back of a beautiful horse and sharing my gifts with you . This is our world, if you want to come and give it a go, let us know. We are happy to have you. Our ranch hosts group of 6 to 18 for $25 per person. Good deal huh????? See you in the arena. Dr. Su

Saturday, November 7, 2015

James Bond?? Media has impact!

I am a writer. I have writen countless pages of magical messages. I share them rarely. I follow their words and instructions and revelations and directives without fear or hesitation. These words of love and light have sent me to amazing people, places and things all over the world. I went in September to the Meteor Crater as my writing directed me. It is a point of contact from the galaxy to us here. It is a powerful place, multidimensional and truly alive and pulsating massive amounts of energy. It was something. Yesterday I went to the new James Bond  movie and he too went to the crater. I know how media can effect the lives of many and this was a spot on hit for us. We are here and yet we are connected to so much more. These points of contact were made long ago and remain active to this day. The real crater is within you. A point of contact initiated by your birth here, at which time you took postion in the crater with your first breath. A bubble formed and exploded on the scene here with every subsequent exhale. Contact, the knowing, It is NOW. Enjoy the connection!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Nature is our not only our friend but also our responsibility and we need to protect all of it's offerings

I have alot of critters and kids I love and care for. They make my heart sing. I know that the design of nature, the support and perfection that nature provides humans is impeccable. I also know that some try to over ride it or even undo it. I am talking about drugs, GMO's and other experiments going on all around us. Please before you subject your body or that of your child to anything not proven beyond all doubt that it right and perfectly placed and they also offer liability, pause. Think about it. If the hair goes up on your neck you are being warned to back off. Backing up and saying let me think, study, talk or even pray about it first is YOUR Sovereign Right of Freedom. Never take it for granted. ever ever ever, it may be that last time you do.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Smoking Tooth!!!

The Smoking Tooth - mercury from tooth into body

Dr Layton shows in real time the smoking tooth. This video shows how your mercury fillings are constantly giving off harmful toxic gasses. Also how the amount of gas given off differs from the different things you may do every day for example Drinking Coffee or grinding your teeth. Dr Layton is the Premiere Natural and Holistic Dentist in San Diego Ca. You can find us at Layton Dental 285 N. El Camino Real, Suite 102, Encinitas, CA 92024. (760) 753-7700

Friday, October 30, 2015

Taking my power back now.

I am a native of the planet Earth in my life and in my body. I have been here many times and in those lifetimes of challenge I have often given my power away. I retreat, surrender, and sometimes I fight to the death, only to return again and try something new or different. We are all powerful beings, with super powers unique to our adventure and natal charting and geneology and spiritual gifts. My super power is my faith in hope. I am always able, no matter how dark or threatening to see the LIGHT. And to speak to it with excitment and joy. My breath and how I form it into words, is my superpower. I can offer a sermon on the MOUNT. And I do that often on the bareback of my beautiful horse. Today I will get to see the super powers of others superstars, and share my magical horses and words of hope and faith and light and love, with them. Project Footsteps is bringing their interns to Hawk's Ridge Ranch for a session of inspiration. See the native of self here, looking to his horse, he may not have caught it yet but he knows it is close and he is ready.  Welcome! Let's Take our power back and mount up! Time to ride!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ready for winter? Puerto Vallarta a must!

This time of the year gets dark and the temperature drops. I teach immune support and D3 as essentials. I also teach that to take the time to hibernate and allow some healing is a great choice. This is a quiet season. This is the time to shorten the effort of work and lengthen the time to rest. My horses and all of nature actually shut down for the winter for the most part. It is helpful and promotes a healthy spring. We also hit the sun in Mexico for a week of yoga on the beach and health classes with others in the some frame of mind. There is a little space left for this year's amazing trip, January 23 -30, 2015 being those  dates. It is a 5 star event and extraordinary in every way. If you need a winter vacation call us for a reservation there are 3 spots left- 715-426-7350.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Who - How - Now

I hear that we are still comparing ourselves to one another, when the fact is that we are all very individual and deserve to know specifics about ourselves to function well.  There is no big chart here, each map is personal to it's navigator. I teach about 12 different very unique perspectives to each one on how to take the most direct route to health and the wealth it brings. You all deserve to know the truth about WHO you are and HOW that should work. Now is the time and I am still here to help. SO WHO are YOU, and HOW are you doing?? No time like the present, it really is a gift!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Time for a change now

I have been here a long time. I have had a contract with which I took the terms of very seriously. I was asked and I answered. I now get to retire. I will be around forever to those who I have grown in health and knowledge with. That will never end. I will however not be taking any new clients beginning in 2016. It is time for this old war horse to get to greener pastures and I am grateful for the chance I am being offered. I have loved this work and all who have supported me and invited me to support them. Look for updates and introductions. I will be replaced as we all will. It will be a great transition. You will find me teaching to groups all around the world, come and be a part of the health and wellness we are going to offer in a new and exciting was. Those with cradles of their own will have a wonderful system of health at their disposal in the convenience of their home. I love that I dreamed that long ago and it is real now!!  Namaste'   I truly love you all and always will. Dr. Su

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Vaccine Injury PHD in town to share tonight Brian Hooker

please accept this gift of knowledge! St. Paul, Minnesota is the place.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


The responses of the ill and desperately ill still surprise me. The loss, the lack, the suffering and the anger are incredible. I know you are all looking for answers, yet when you are offered some that are tried and true, they are still not good enough. Nature is YOU! It is and always will be. Drugs are NOT you yet so many fall deeply into that trap.  Flouride,mercury, prescriptions, they are all altering YOU! I have watched them writhing in pain until they simply expire their time here and it is such a colossol loss. So many with so much to give yet.  Yet just not ready to heal. There is a way through, there always was. It does take work, money and a knowing that you may not yet know. Saving your own life is all there is. NO ONE else, is up to the task, we are all working on saving ourselves and that is ALL we are to do. Take some time, do some homework, figure this out. I did long ago, and I love my health and life. Several of those I knew are now gone. Surprised????  Don't be. You can do this, zillions of us have and we always are willing to help. Namaste'

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The family you get or choose - WORLD VENTURES and us all together now

You are born into one and you create the other with by your lights. I have a wonderful family and I love holidays and birthdays and old stories and photos. I really love the way it makes you feel when you are remembered. My chosen family is also a thing of delight as I feel the love of so many friends. My weekend contained old and new friends, our ranch was rocking with guests who will now become friends. I know we know how to connect and I believe it is time now to really choose right and well and happy and healthy. I am a WORLD-VENTURES gal  and this week we all get together as friends to share and plan. Another family of like minded folks looking to work and play together. This is really starting to shape up down here isn't it???? WHO do you call family, join us we are always looking for more friends and family. See you on our next amazing trip together, Dr. Su will be in the house!

Thursday, October 8, 2015


This is the gift of the violet flame, open to this  loving light and cleanse. Let the light of the crown chakra rinse over and through you to upgrade your auric field and inner workings. I took this photo last week in Sedona on a magical day at the creek. I received this gift to share with you all. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

deja vu

repeating experiences here give us the skills we can use honed and sharp and ready for action  I am called to action these days   the days of patience have ended  the days of the less, lack and loss that has ruled this planet are over   we are ready to embrace only love and light and healing now  STAND UP and let the sun/son wash you in light and love,  No more time left!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

flip over

I teach inversion. It comes in the form of a head stand or hand stand or a down ward facing dog stand. It back flushes the energetic and biological flow. Sludge and blockage clear with the upside down of this gift. Today invert. Look at it everything from the other direction. If you are white, look from the black. If you are thin, look from the heavy. If you are lost, look from the found. Please see through the eyes of the other way. It is time we know for sure that all is well and improving. A new view is just for you, and me TOO!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

in and out over and over

What you carry within you offer on the outside. I say, your mouth is the rudder of the ship and you and I are big ships here. The opening of that mouth and what goes down your throat becomes your biology and energy. what comes out becomes your reality!!! If you say something again and again you will be it again and again. It is like the cancer survivor who decides to go back to the hospital over and over, the reality is recreated and another cancer is created. It is like that in all of what you do. When you are done with a cycle or a lesson or an illness or addiction, be done. Change the inside with a cleanse and a diet upgrade. Stop putting toxins and garbage down your throat. Stop swallowing the BS of others who want to keep you in their group. Clean and loving it from the inside is the key, it is where you heart lies. In your heart is the power to continue or not. The heart will lead you, here or home again. You decide. I have.

Monday, September 7, 2015

health, happiness and those amazing horses...

I say if you tell what we did, I will say we did not. People want to trail ride here and I say NO. Yet when the magic of healing occurs and trust and balance are the result, we go to the trail. Life is funny that way. We ride in the wind and sun, in the trees and on the grass. It is something so sweet that sometimes a photo can barely cover it's scope. Some of my photos are magical and yet never as magical as the real deal. I see the energy and feel the recovery of those participating in life's lessons with me. Power as the theme is common with horse work, and  yet the trust peace/piece needs to be solid first. Balance comes with trust and that takes a minute to master. We do that here and this weekend was no exception. Thanks girls for an amazing adventure in health, happiness and horses, it was something special!! Trust that everything from here forward will be exactly as it should be! We love you!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Happy Holiday

Summer is at her close. This is the holiday where the shift begins. It is one of hard work, school, harvest and preparing for our long winter. I love this time of year. And I love holiday! I hope we all are ready for what is just ahead. I am. I have learned so much these past/passed 57 years and look forward to the next 57 with a whole heart, a happy and healthy mind and a very willing spirit. I may not have been perfect yet I am proud of what this witch doctor has brought to this this little corner of the world. See how your world is coming together now. Does it fit, are you proud of your life? Is there space around you that is empty or full and filled with joy. We decide. This winter we will head to Puerto Vallarta on a wellness trip - yoga on the beach and a community of like minded people. If you are able,  please join us, the details are this.  Jan 23-30  $1,000 per person double occ.  You get there any way you can and your food is your choice. We will do the rest. 5 star!! 715-426-7350 for reservations, $500 deposit holds your space. See you in the sun,  this weekend and in January too!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Is it in your bones?

Your library of life is in your bones. Knowing is there. Storage is there. Access is tough yet viable. I accessed those bones as a kid. Broken sometimes more than one at a time to get the data from deep within ME. Painful. Stillness needed to receive the download. It is a gift of your record keeping. Storage and quick access there in the bones. If you are in that place now, be still and feel the truth of your bones. It is lifetimes of data and specific to YOU!!

Who's at your door?

Knocking, showing up, asking for something, dropping something off, all those things that are at the door of your life. You are at that very door here and now. It is a universal and quantum leap for those ready to enter in. I have gone to my own door to see who wanted to enter and join me  many times. Most bolted or bucked. This way of life is magical and very challenging, and it takes unconditional love and incredible power to do this door. It needs the healing heart, the fearless commitment and the patient smile of accepting things you do not understand. It is the door of hope, the door of real faith and the door of a love so unconditional that asks for nothing but to be present. I have opened my door again and again, offering safe haven, knowledge, a warm bed, laughter and commonly a party or a pony ride. Some enter and receive, some make a fuss and some just don't even want to come in at all or leave as fast as they appeared. The door is your choice. Be specific and committed to the next door you go through because it may be your last chance here. Peace, out. Freedom or jail, the door is your choice!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

the Virgin

She was very special. She brought a light being to us and stayed with him his entire human life. Supporting humanity and bringing light as that support system is the job of many here now. It is real special calling. Some are called angels or mystics or healers or shaman. Sometimes seen as odd or distant somehow. Truth is, we are here on a contract job. Today our contract is complete. We are finished. Hallelujah, this world will be. I love that I could and did help. Enjoy the Virgo, Virgin time now as we begin with a fresh start. You will be upgraded to first class as soon as you enter the gate! See you there. It's real real nice!!~!!

Monday, August 24, 2015


It is the real deal these days as technology is everywhere. I know that I have been under the surveying eyes of the universe forever, so this is simply par for our family. I wonder if others are less aware that their words are being recorded and their lives documented. I ran into someone the other day from my past who did not seem aware of that. He was a raging bull, full of abusive words and actions and quite the drama queen. I recorded this and for the record and on the record, it will be made public. I do not understand those who do not understand the vision. Friendly, honest, respectful and willing is surveyed as promising by those in authority. Non helpful non productive words only hurt the wordsmith and their family and associates. I have seen people jailed for less toxic behavior. Let's all remember - you are on candid camera!! The brothers and fathers and those is authority are keeping a very close eye on you and getting away with stuff now, well it is over. I for one, am glad!! Thanks , I phone and all the other cool things we have now!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dr. Sioux

I wrote that word a lot as a child, much to the chagrin of my mother. She would correct me again and again, and say that is not who you are. I was little and wanted to please her and I changed my writing of that name on my papers back to Susan. Not Susie like my Grandma, or Su, like a took in my teen years, in an effort to shrink myself down. Just Susan was that name. It was not my favorite yet it became a place to hang out, and it means full of grace so it gave me a lot of leash. The graceful offering that a name gives gets you into places that another name would not. I have gone a lot of cool places, in and out as Susan. I then switched to SU, and stayed there for many years. When Scotty came home after a long adventure, the Susie name came with him and I smiled. I remembered the happy kid and the loving Grandmother I was named for. Now it is nearly 58 years of life this time and that Sioux part of me, the Holy Medicine Snake Woman I was in my last incarnation and still am, is ready to step into her rightful place. Fear of the WITCH DOCTOR is gone.  Fear of powerful, assertive, intelligent women is gone now too. People are happy to be in our camp of natural health, whole health and the knowledge the Dr. Sioux,  the Holy Snake woman teaches. This is quite the revelation as  I  decide to share it with the world now. Authentic yes, DNA transmitted, yes, Angelically supported, yes. I know that that is good enough for me. WHO are you? Time to name yourself and present your gifts, we are all in this together!! I look forward to seeing who is on our team!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Riding the four directions

I waited a long while for the fourth horse, the yellow one, to complete my herd. I have 12 altogether. That is sacred, magical and complete now. In the herd there is a group of four. Black, white, red and yellow in real colors, bodies and life. Coal, Bubba, Gypsy and Hawk, brothers together for the healing of the people. They are the four foundations, the four directions and I will take them out to the world now and walk the paths. They are powerful in their own right, yet together as a team, a  truly mighty force comes together. Just like the White Buffalo Calf Woman said. In the end, the four nations, the four perfected elements, the four colors and the four directions will become ONE altogether in community, going global and then, they will be invited to participate universally again. ARE you ready?? We shall begin now. Welcome to the new age of ONENESS.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Praying the pipe

I have my pipe as do many. We send our prayers up to Creator with the ceremony along with great love and intention. It is a very old custom and very powerful. Yesterday as we prayed and sang and played the flute, I saw orphans all around me. They were not in real 3 -d yet very present. I asked why they were there. They replied, BECAUSE you prayed. I know that some are orphans of loss, some are orphans of lack and many orphans of pure neglect and abuse. I saw an orphan with his mother in the grocery store the other day. She was screaming at him, and he was alone and afraid and ready to make a break for it. An orphan in every sense of how a child feels when they are being shunned or shamed. I would have run too. She would cruel and abusive with her words and ALL I could do was shield him with my love. We wonder how to help and what to do next. First, allow them to show up, in your dreams, day or night and then, in your real day. Then tell them they are safe and loved and will be OK, and show them that truth. Our future here is the children, those who are cared about will care. Those orphaned will not. We need to pray now, all of us, it is our last chance.

Friday, August 7, 2015

8 8 8 going through the Lion's Gate

Astrology and sacred geometry and numerology all play a role in influencing humanity on many levels. This shift is a BIGGIE!!! It will flip us over again. I know we are tired of being poked and prodded and expected to do something. So now is the time to birth whatever it is deep down inside. I dreamed quintuplets. That is big, and I am really excited at what 5 looks like with new and bigger and more as a foundation. We will see how we land in the next month, so hold on, speak your truth, share your hopes and dreams and let's see how much magic we can set into motion. AHO!!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Yoga on horseback BALANCE AND HARMONY restored

I have good balance, always have had. I love to test it. I paddle a board and can do a headstand on in on the water. I think my balanced view of life helps with that. Upside down or right side up I can balance things out. I see no real right or wrong, or light or dark. I see the whole, and it balances like day and night, like fire and water. I teach yoga. It supports my ability to stay balanced. I love that class. Years ago I started in with bareback horsemanship and equine guided education. I use those awesome horse for the restoration of POWER. I CHOOSE BAREBACK FOR BALANCE.  I teach that if I can balance on the water or on my yoga mat, I can balance lots of different positions on a horse. I stand up, I turn around. I pull my legs over my head, and NO I have not done a headstand, YET! Find the balance challenge in your life, if it is tricky or illusive, practice at it. Use all your resources to find the still point, then the harmony that spreads through you when the power of a tricky balance posture STICKS IT and you hold together even when it is challenging!! You will love how it supports your view of life and the feeling of success when balance is achieved. JOIN us, we teach at the ranch privately, you can stay and play pony, and we will even make you breakfast all for 100 bucks!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My prayers on the wings of the eagle

Each day I talk to the eagles. I go to the nest where the babies grow bigger each day and we chat. They sometimes chat more than I do, with loud calls noisy and insistent. Other days they hop on the branches with mother and father close by and watch as we paddle out into the water to do our yoga. The pups, all four of them, keep a close eye on us too, just as the eagles keep an eye on them. I learned long ago that the eagle would carry my prayers to Creator and when I sit and allow, they will return with amazing answers for me. My heart for this world seeks those answers that Brother Eagle brings. It is time to hear/here the rest of the story now and I know it brings a very good ending.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sometimes we just watch

 I have been JUST watching lately. High in the sky making lazy flapless circles on the winds of change. Our world has shifted and I need to see where I should be now. I know that helping is key to my life, and fun is the other part. Yet how do we wind them together?? The greatest gift I have is my heart. It sings, it says and it is radiating now at a very high rate. It makes me energetic and tired all at the same time. I am attracting like a giant magnet, you and me and any others that wish to be in the solution game now. Let's meet in the high sky through meditation and decide which direction to go from here. It is so much easier from up here to see the options!! I welcome all you to a place I have been a very long time, you will love it up I promise! The HAWC.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Never too old to learn

I have been learning a lot of stuff lately. I learned that I love to learn and doing it in a way that matches my learning style is a great pleasure. I am not a sit still kind of gal and when I am forced to do that I learn NOTHING much at all. When I learn visually and hands on and interactive I am a non stop absorbing sponge. Taking breaks in to the sunshine and fresh air, moving around and letting my mind rest helps me a ton too. Inside a building that is bright and light and has lots of fresh air and smiley faces is also a real important feature. Take a look at your school, your workplace and even your home. We learn all the time and using the tools I just offered might just make the learning a lot easier and a lot more download will occur!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

the light is lightening!

Do you wish you were lighter? Happier, leaner, more energetic? I know that around here lightening is the highest order of the day. I can help unravel all sorts of issues with my skills and my gifts. Yet it is the lighter path that people are the most greatful/grateful for. The summer  days grow long with the sun light we need to energize our reality. I have clients zooming in from all over the world to share a summer moment at the ranch with us and our horses, our yoga and bioenergetics scanner, ZYTO. Health, happiness and horses - for this girl and all those looking to lighten up! Join us in body or spirit, we love the extra light!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Coming out of the light

how about it?? step into the day from the light, new moon offers roots sinking deep. Home career and family are the root connections.  put them down deep.  you  choose!

Monday, June 15, 2015

need to know.... TEETH with ROOT CANAL DANGER!!

Weston A. Price: World's Greatest Dentist

Most dentists would be doing an enormous service to public health if they familiarized themselves with the work of Dr. Weston Pricei. Unfortunately, his work continues to be discounted and suppressed by medical and dental professionals alike.
Dr. Price was a dentist and researcher who traveled the world to study the teeth, bones, and diets of native populations living without the "benefit" of modern food. Around the year 1900, Price had been treating persistent root canal infections and became suspicious that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, in spite of treatments. Then one day, he recommended to a woman, wheelchair bound for six years, to have her root canal tooth extracted, even though it appeared to be fine.
She agreed, so he extracted her tooth and then implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. The rabbit amazingly developed the same crippling arthritis as the woman and died from the infection 10 days later. But the woman, now free of the toxic tooth, immediately recovered from her arthritis and could now walk without even the assistance of a cane.
Price discovered that it's mechanically impossible to sterilize a root-canaled (e.g. root-filled) tooth.
He then went on to show that many chronic degenerative diseases originate from root-filled teeth—the most frequent being heart and circulatory diseases. He actually found 16 different causative bacterial agents for these conditions. But there were also strong correlations between root-filled teeth and diseases of the joints, brain and nervous system. Dr. Price went on to write two groundbreaking books in 1922 detailing his research into the link between dental pathology and chronic illness. Unfortunately, his work was deliberately buried for 70 years, until finally one endodontist named George Meinig recognized the importance of Price's work and sought to expose the truth.

Dr. Meinig Advances the Work of Dr. Price

Dr. Meinig, a native of Chicago, was a captain in the U.S. Army during World War II before moving to Hollywood to become a dentist for the stars. He eventually became one of the founding members of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal specialists).
In the 1990s, he spent 18 months immersed in Dr. Price's research. In June of 1993, Dr. Meinig published the book Root Canal Cover-Up, which continues to be the most comprehensive reference on this topic today. You can order your copy directly from the Price-Pottenger Foundationii.

What Dentists Don't Know About the Anatomy of Your Teeth

Your teeth are made of the hardest substances in your body.
In the middle of each tooth is the pulp chamber, a soft living inner structure that houses blood vessels and nerves. Surrounding the pulp chamber is the dentin, which is made of living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance. The outermost and hardest layer of your tooth is the white enamel, which encases the dentin.
The roots of each tooth descend into your jawbone and are held in place by the periodontal ligament. In dental school, dentists are taught that each tooth has one to four major canals. However, there are accessory canals that are never mentioned. Literally miles of them!
Just as your body has large blood vessels that branch down into very small capillaries, each of your teeth has a maze of very tiny tubules that, if stretched out, would extend for three miles. Weston Price identified as many as 75 separate accessory canals in a single central incisor (front tooth). For a more detailed explanation, refer to an article by Hal Huggins, DDS, MS, on the Weston A. Price Foundation website.iii (These images are borrowed from the Huggins article.)
Microscopic organisms regularly move in and around these tubules, like gophers in underground tunnels.
When a dentist performs a root canal, he or she hollows out the tooth, then fills the hollow chamber with a substance (called guttapercha), which cuts off the tooth from its blood supply, so fluid can no longer circulate through the tooth. But the maze of tiny tubules remains. And bacteria, cut off from their food supply, hide out in these tunnels where they are remarkably safe from antibiotics and your own body's immune defenses.

The Root Cause of Much Disease

Under the stresses of oxygen and nutrient deprivation, these formerly friendly organisms morph into stronger, more virulent anaerobes that produce a variety of potent toxins. What were once ordinary, friendly oral bacteria mutate into highly toxic pathogens lurking in the tubules of the dead tooth, just awaiting an opportunity to spread.
No amount of sterilization has been found effective in reaching these tubules—and just about every single root-canaled tooth has been found colonized by these bacteria, especially around the apex and in the periodontal ligament. Oftentimes, the infection extends down into the jawbone where it creates cavitations—areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone itself.
Cavitations are areas of unhealed bone, often accompanied by pockets of infected tissue and gangrene. Sometimes they form after a tooth extraction (such as a wisdom tooth extraction), but they can also follow a root canal. According to Weston Price Foundation, in the records of 5,000 surgical cavitation cleanings, only two were found healed.
And all of this occurs with few, if any, accompanying symptoms. So you may have an abscessed dead tooth and not know it. This focal infection in the immediate area of the root-canaled tooth is bad enough, but the damage doesn't stop there.

Root Canals Can Lead to Heart, Kidney, Bone, and Brain Disease

As long as your immune system remains strong, any bacteria that stray away from the infected tooth are captured and destroyed. But once your immune system is weakened by something like an accident or illness or other trauma, your immune system may be unable to keep the infection in check.
These bacteria can migrate out into surrounding tissues by hitching a ride into your blood stream, where they are transported to new locations to set up camp. The new location can be any organ or gland or tissue.
Dr. Price was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans to rabbits, by implanting fragments of root-canaled teeth, as mentioned above. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks.
He discovered he could transfer heart disease to the rabbit 100 percent of the time! Other diseases were more than 80 percent transferable by this method. Nearly every chronic degenerative disease has been linked with root canals, including:
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Arthritis, joint, and rheumatic diseases
  • Neurological diseases (including ALS and MS)
  • Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and more)
There may also be a cancer connection. Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of therelationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer.iv He claims to have found the following correlations in a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases:
  • 93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals
  • 7 percent had other oral pathology
  • Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology
Dr. Jones claims that toxins from the bacteria in an infected tooth or jawbone are able to inhibit the proteins that suppress tumor development. A German physician reported similar findings. Dr. Josef Issels reported that, in his 40 years of treating "terminal" cancer patients, 97 percent of his cancer patients had root canals. If these physicians are correct, the cure for cancer may be as simple as having a tooth pulled, then rebuilding your immune system.

I see auras

 Actually everyone does in their own way. Hear, see, smell, feel - all the same only different. It is the reflection of self we see in one another, that shows us the truth. I must shake your hand to get your permission to see, and then all bets are off. I look and process at the highest level of love I have. I share openly and honestly all that is present and accounted for at that moment. Some people love being that loved, honest and true. Others are not yet worthy and fear the reflection. It is ok, their light will go dim and then when the room is a little darker they will feel less exposed. I understand. Let's shine a bright light today, look me in the eye, shake my hand and let's live life to the fullest. It is time now!

In the eyes of truth, a reflection of what I look like loved by Gypsy the Unicorn purple and white with a guardian at my side!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

re read

I do not re read very often. I do not re-view old movies either. I like to do new and fresh each day. I have how ever in the past few months been in the re - view of some unfinished business. It is called karma.  I knew it when I saw it. It felt familiar and sweet and scary all at the same time. I thought about what it offered me and dove right in. The first re-view ended in death. It was quite a ride and a lot of who we were in this lifetime together was amazing and very filled with light. Then it was complete in every way. The next review was about death too. In my re - view I saw the same only different way of handling it. This time it ended in recovery instead. Now we are all being offered a re - view. Do you like what you see or is what comes around goes around asking for an upgrade???? Think about what that looks like. Who are your true companions and what does that kind of community offer now. We are stepping it up a notch and this time with Saturn in Scorpio for a few months again it is a perfect RE-VIEW  -   YOU!!!!! Godspeed!! to us all.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Note your dreams

We are connecting to a higher vision of our lives here through our vivid and lucid dreams. I teach to take notes as soon as you are conscious. It is key to your future and your present circumstances. I have a dream book that has revealed me to me, over and over. I love the fact that I can hook up to my higher self in a state of observation and allow the truth to rain down on me. I love that gift. I teach that gift. I am grateful to Creator for that gift. Get your notebook, get your dreambook  and start to get down the truth of what matters in your life and your connection here. It is NOTE - WORTHY and worth sharing. Namaste' and sweet dreams!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Community is what we need

Do you know your neighbor? Do you know your family any more? Do you know who YOU are? It seems that the disconnection is so large now that we are all alone together. I see the like minded finally opening to the idea of all for one and one for all is what we truly need, without the judgments that haunted us before. Let's think about caring and sharing and networking now.  For our highest good and the highest good of all is at stake here. Think about smiling and extending your hand instead pointing out what you see as odd or lacking. We came for progress not perfection. It is time to step up, pitch in, volunteer and support the shift!! I am ready and excited, how about you?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Suicide - the choice of leaving

It is all chosen. People choose the day and moment and parents they incarnate with. They also chose the day and moment and way they depart. Freewill is the way we do it here. No one is forced to do or be on someone else's agenda. I have seen many leave peacefully. All set straight and ready for transition. I have seen some go away in a drama suited for the news. It is a resistance to a perceived system failure here. Life is full of system glitches and hitches. This is the planet of challenges. I know we struggle to find some purpose and some peace while raising our level of consciousness, yet we fail sometimes to be proud of who and how we are, even with our limitations.  So come on now let's be peaceful, let's celebrate the little things, they are, when added all together, pretty big and amazing. Leave if  you want to, but remember to smile on your way home. Your family will be there and your story will be told. Be the giver of a story of danger, intrigue and yes, success!! We are all destined to be ONE again, very soon!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My stud

The job is for the brave and true and strong of heart. I had a stud here, his name was Ranger. People said he would be too much trouble for me. I said no I thought it was OK. A healthy happy stud horse is a force of light and has enough energy to see over the whole herd and all the babies too. Some how that vision has gotten distorted and the studs of life in human form are not like that. They run, they change herds, and sadly they die alone in the end. My stepfather took over a whole family long ago and kept us fed and warm and taught us the stud lesson. It is the one, where the family matters, the responsibilities are handled and the joy and high energy of life are unbridled!! Happy Birthday Irvin Kalland 85 years old, step father of the Anderson kids since 1960,  you have been a real stud in this world, our family is better because of you.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


what is worth keeping now? only things that make your heart sing. the rest will simply find it's own way home. let go, allow, align with what really stands in the light and makes you smile and be glad you are in the moment. as soon as that is that way you want it, appreciate it over and over and over. peace out.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

when the day is done how will you be rated?

only you will get a chance to rate you. no one else will tell the good or the bad or the ups or the many downs. this is a single rating system. this is a freewill choices are us kind of experience. people again and again choose things that do not support their health, or their happiness. some even choose to hurt the innocent, like women and children and nature. so in an effort to re-harmonize, please take some time to find gratitude for your life. it is the only choice that makes any sense, since as long as you are here, you are getting a chance to choose blessings and love!!!! Be what and who you want to receive. Happy Memorial Day to those who do not get any more choices and have gone on to be rated for their life ......we loved you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Lady and Pal alerted me to a visitor this morning. A light being present. They went crazy with excitement and all the hair went up on Lady's body. I snapped the shot and upon review saw the light. I see light all the time, reading colors and auras and designs and shades is who I am and what I do. You can too. It is just simply the process of being alert and allowing the download. If you have kids or critters they will feel it first. The less age the less density. Empaths and highly sensitive people will get the next wave. We are at such an awesome time of light and love returning to our world. Just get out there and let it shine all over you! Then take a picture for your own knowing!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

signs, signs - every where the signs

Dreams in your days and nights, are all coming in to play now. Do you dream of a look, a job, a partner?? Do you dream of numbers, places, colors that repeat again and again? Do you daydream and doodle doodle and doodle??  It is your higher self hooking in. The over view of you and your life is it's only concern. no one nor thing that is not specifically yours is of even the smallest interest to YOUR HIGHER SELF. Anchored above, hanging out with some big dogs, watching and prompting you with signs and doodles, and feelings and knowings.   ALLOW the data to fill in the blanks. If you do not understand, get a dream book, or google it. There is so much being revealed now. I have been the sole proprietor of the HAWC, Healing Arts Wellcare Center for a long long time, a visionary perspective on health, happiness and horses. Now the dream of taking that to the people, rather than waiting for them come here, is in the signs, and dreams and I will make sure it comes to my reality now too!! YOU? Watching for the signs of your next step??