Saturday, November 7, 2015

James Bond?? Media has impact!

I am a writer. I have writen countless pages of magical messages. I share them rarely. I follow their words and instructions and revelations and directives without fear or hesitation. These words of love and light have sent me to amazing people, places and things all over the world. I went in September to the Meteor Crater as my writing directed me. It is a point of contact from the galaxy to us here. It is a powerful place, multidimensional and truly alive and pulsating massive amounts of energy. It was something. Yesterday I went to the new James Bond  movie and he too went to the crater. I know how media can effect the lives of many and this was a spot on hit for us. We are here and yet we are connected to so much more. These points of contact were made long ago and remain active to this day. The real crater is within you. A point of contact initiated by your birth here, at which time you took postion in the crater with your first breath. A bubble formed and exploded on the scene here with every subsequent exhale. Contact, the knowing, It is NOW. Enjoy the connection!

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