Friday, December 18, 2015

Who GETS you now????

I always wondered  why so few GOT me. My own mom did not get me. Certainly my preachers and teachers did not get me either. My bosses rarely got me, so I became my own boss a long time ago. My sisters don't get me but my brother does some. I would dream of the ONE who would come, and he would understand. He would be passionate about the same things. He would love what I love. He would see my work as valuable, my hobbies as fun and my LIFE, extra ordinary. Then he would GET me, forever. I know as I come into my 58th birthday I am looking back as we all do before our next anniversary of being human. And the lack of getting me is still the most challenging part of my staying here. My friend Matt said, and this really helped, you are not one in a million, you, my friend, are ONE OF A KIND. I smiled, he gets me. My job here is not common, my duties very different than most, my energy and passion for delivery big  and never failing. My love of life, all life here, true and strong. The weakest, meekest, sickest and most broken or left out, my very favorites.And they GET me. I am a spirit walker, both worlds totally within my reach. I share what I know, see and bring freely to those who need to know and ask. I don't go knocking, I never have. I know as move to celebrate that after all these trials and tribulations, I GET ME! and in truth, that is all that matters now. Behaving as if the GOD in us all MATTERS! GET IT? You will, I have, and in the end it will be all of us getting one another. Namaste', here's to Oneness.

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