Monday, December 28, 2015

Loyal, it is not just for dogs

My friend posted a beautiful perspective on  what it is like to have a loyal and loving relationship. It took my breath away. He has spent a lifetime finding this truth. I have watched him since he was a little boy. Honest and authentic and putting someone right in that space with you is his conclusion. I am so proud that there are those out there who do not give up on this part of their journey. Many are alone because their loyalty was to something other than love, or light. Loyal to their anger or their fears or their addictions to choices that keep them seperate. Secrets, lies, adrenaline rushes, competitions, battles, putting them out of the balance range that a true loyal and loving human deserves or loves. Entitled to a life alone, is how many have decided it goes from here. Sad, humans need community, communion and common purpose. Their is no entitlement here, we are all the same. Loyal to one another for the love that is in the heart must find it's place. Quickly throwing someone under the bus for something less and then feeling sad because the loyalty card was not played needs to stop.  I have been loyal and know that even when it gets tough you still love in spite of that. I am proud of that ability, even after the dust settles. Our journey ends with those who were loyal and loving, trotting off together to  celebrate the victory!!! Don't give up, it is a real way of living, I promise. The Great Mystery has been loyal to us humans all along, never giving up  and sometimes I wonder WHY, when we are such a challenge. And then I hear/here the response, because I love you, I smile and say I love you too. Loyal to the end.

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