Saturday, November 21, 2015

SPOTLIGHT the catholic authority exposed!

I have seen the movie now, and as a mom I am taken aback. Giving my child up to an authority or a neighbor or a relative, that sucks the eternal spirit from them, is to me unforgiveable. I will need to work on that one. These people knew their kids were being raped, again and again. A spirit so ripe and vital at such a young age is a powerful source of  unbridled energy. We see the loss in those little eyes. Stealing that energy by addicting them to sex, or drugs, or secrets, or alcohol, or pleasure, or threatening their very lives or the lives of those they love most, is again to me, UNFORGIVEABLE.  I heard a mother say in respect to her abused child, that although it was sad, she certainly did not want to see it in the local, Grand Forks, North Dakota paper.  Mothers know. They can not help it, and when they know, and deny it or try to keep it a secret, they become addicted too. Money, drugs, the church or whatever other thing they can bury their own guilt in, becomes their down fall and they shrivel up on the inside and break down. Please parents, pay attention!! If the hair goes up on your neck, you are being warned, take your child and leave!! The only way to stop this is to stand in light and say no, not now, not ever and leave that church, or that relationship or whatever it is that poses the threat. There is no shame in that, ever. And it is time now that truth sets us all free.

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