Thursday, October 22, 2015

Time for a change now

I have been here a long time. I have had a contract with which I took the terms of very seriously. I was asked and I answered. I now get to retire. I will be around forever to those who I have grown in health and knowledge with. That will never end. I will however not be taking any new clients beginning in 2016. It is time for this old war horse to get to greener pastures and I am grateful for the chance I am being offered. I have loved this work and all who have supported me and invited me to support them. Look for updates and introductions. I will be replaced as we all will. It will be a great transition. You will find me teaching to groups all around the world, come and be a part of the health and wellness we are going to offer in a new and exciting was. Those with cradles of their own will have a wonderful system of health at their disposal in the convenience of their home. I love that I dreamed that long ago and it is real now!!  Namaste'   I truly love you all and always will. Dr. Su

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