Sunday, August 9, 2015

Praying the pipe

I have my pipe as do many. We send our prayers up to Creator with the ceremony along with great love and intention. It is a very old custom and very powerful. Yesterday as we prayed and sang and played the flute, I saw orphans all around me. They were not in real 3 -d yet very present. I asked why they were there. They replied, BECAUSE you prayed. I know that some are orphans of loss, some are orphans of lack and many orphans of pure neglect and abuse. I saw an orphan with his mother in the grocery store the other day. She was screaming at him, and he was alone and afraid and ready to make a break for it. An orphan in every sense of how a child feels when they are being shunned or shamed. I would have run too. She would cruel and abusive with her words and ALL I could do was shield him with my love. We wonder how to help and what to do next. First, allow them to show up, in your dreams, day or night and then, in your real day. Then tell them they are safe and loved and will be OK, and show them that truth. Our future here is the children, those who are cared about will care. Those orphaned will not. We need to pray now, all of us, it is our last chance.

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