Thursday, October 15, 2015


The responses of the ill and desperately ill still surprise me. The loss, the lack, the suffering and the anger are incredible. I know you are all looking for answers, yet when you are offered some that are tried and true, they are still not good enough. Nature is YOU! It is and always will be. Drugs are NOT you yet so many fall deeply into that trap.  Flouride,mercury, prescriptions, they are all altering YOU! I have watched them writhing in pain until they simply expire their time here and it is such a colossol loss. So many with so much to give yet.  Yet just not ready to heal. There is a way through, there always was. It does take work, money and a knowing that you may not yet know. Saving your own life is all there is. NO ONE else, is up to the task, we are all working on saving ourselves and that is ALL we are to do. Take some time, do some homework, figure this out. I did long ago, and I love my health and life. Several of those I knew are now gone. Surprised????  Don't be. You can do this, zillions of us have and we always are willing to help. Namaste'

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