Sunday, December 27, 2015


Yesterday I saw the movie and felt the IMPACT! I sat next to Dr. Matt, former running back extraordinaire and listened to his fears. The not knowing. When it should have been the NO-ing! I lived with that fear in my hockey player, who would say, I have lost my thoughts, my words......I am afraid of what all that damage did to my head. I better have a drink and then he would drink the whole bottle. Putting our kids in the arena and cheering wildly when they smash each other to smithereens is simply encouraging early death by torture. Iron Mike died tortured for your entertainment at the age of 50. The movie showed real life situations where this was a GAME Changer for most of the players!! I have said that we will look back at this last hundred years and say it has been the MOST barbaric of all time. This is just one way we have hurt our children.  And a new day, and a new way of love, respect, honor and yes, competition will emerge. I will rejoice and be glad in it!

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