Thursday, May 28, 2015

Suicide - the choice of leaving

It is all chosen. People choose the day and moment and parents they incarnate with. They also chose the day and moment and way they depart. Freewill is the way we do it here. No one is forced to do or be on someone else's agenda. I have seen many leave peacefully. All set straight and ready for transition. I have seen some go away in a drama suited for the news. It is a resistance to a perceived system failure here. Life is full of system glitches and hitches. This is the planet of challenges. I know we struggle to find some purpose and some peace while raising our level of consciousness, yet we fail sometimes to be proud of who and how we are, even with our limitations.  So come on now let's be peaceful, let's celebrate the little things, they are, when added all together, pretty big and amazing. Leave if  you want to, but remember to smile on your way home. Your family will be there and your story will be told. Be the giver of a story of danger, intrigue and yes, success!! We are all destined to be ONE again, very soon!

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