Thursday, December 10, 2015

12 step program 13th coming in now!

I know human's struggle. It is a full time job for many. That is the 12 step program. Believing in less, lack or loss  and powerlessness over it, is the basis. Believing in life after life, faith, hope and love, now that gets this party started and keeps it eternal. Returning to FULL POWER is key! Knowing that, I live for life here. I teach wholeness, accountability, and think fun is a prime reason to be alive. I teach nature, nurture and nourishment as one solution to the pain. I also know when the fun stops, it is best to change direction. The 12 frequencies or steps we use to be in the world are about to get an upgrade. I will call it the 13th frequency or step, a new clear channel of free energy, unconditional love, whole health, 2nd sight and higher calling. It is streaming now. It blew the railing off my upper deck yesterday and showed me the opening to connect to the stairway to heaven I am now going to have here. It also will give me a place to build the stair case to the ground and a reconnection with the earth and her children. It has been quite the adventure.  The Angel hawk is about to fly. My job here about to shift. My 58th year ends next Sunday on the 20th of December and the 13th channel should provide me with lots of new ideas and entertainment. Stay tuned, it is coming your way too. And this looks like more fun than ever, Thank you Creator, it has been a good run. I am looking forward to the new age!

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